I’m not a groomer, but I’m offering grooming to a training client due to her breeds and I have pricing questions


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I am NOT a groomer, but I am a fear free dog trainer, and offer grooming to clients on an as needed basis related to handling and training needs.

So this gal has: one Belgian malinois, two Dutch shepherds, and two pitties. The sheps need wash, dry, blowout, but the pitties only need wash and dry. For this case, I would not up charge for the breeds or possible handling challenges as 1) dogs’ mommy will be there with muzzles, lick mats, and pre-sedated dogs and 2) if it’s not clear, I have an existing positive relationship with these dogs and have 0 concerns for my comfort or safety.

How do you determine pricing? I have charged previously charged $0.75/min previously, which leaves 300 min of grooming (estimated, about 1 hour per dog, I’m slow) at $225. It feels very pricy. Am I under/over charging?

I really don’t know, none of my current dogs have been to a groomer as I grew up doing dog shows and learned to do all my own grooming for that. I don’t think I’ve paid for someone to groom any of my in well over 10 years and I paid $30/hour then and I don’t think that is realistic anymore.
@figg I charge 60$ per hour. I only include the actual time I have my hands on the pup. Basically if a dog has to crate dry I'm not gonna charge the client for that time
@figg Personally for good dogs short hair under 50lbs around $40, double coat $10 more and I charge $10-15 for special handling fees. But I could do both pieces in 30 min if cage dryed, and the other 3 probably take 2h if I dryed them all the way through. The baths themselves for the pits would take less than 7m and maybe 10-15min for the other dogs baths.
@amy15 Wow! You are efficient! Thank you for your insight, that’s much closer to the pricing I feel comfortable with. I don’t want to sour our professional relationship by undervaluing my labor or price more than im worth as an amateur groomer. I do have all the bits and bobs like a grooming table, clippers, scissors, brushes, force drier, and shampoos, conditioners, and sprays. So well equipped amateur? LOL
@figg I work in a rural area and our prices are at the low end of the scale in comparison to more urban areas. We charge $55+ for a large bath and nail trim. So just for the Belgian Malinois and pitties, that would put you at $165. Deshedding treatments generally start at $10 in my area, assuming both sheps would need one they would each be $65 which bumps the total up to $295, assuming they all come in in good condition and are well behaved.

Keep in mind you’re already doing them a huge favor by doing their grooming. If they took their dogs to a salon, they risk all sorts of behavioral charges slapped on that you presumably will not be worried about, as their behavior is part of your job. It’s okay to offer a deal to a client you have a good relationship with, but don’t sell yourself short. Remember these are big dogs and this work takes a huge toll on your body — how much or how little are you willing to sell your physical well-being for?