I’m an idiot sandwich


New member
I don’t know WHAT possessed me to do this. I don’t know why I didn’t take a half a second to the think of the consequences.

Last week when pouring the little Fresh Pet meatballs into my pup’s food bowl I had what, at the time I thought was a brilliant idea, but what can only now be described as the largest lapse in judgement I’ve had since Jinco jeans.

That’s right, I said to myself, “you know what would be a nice little treat? Throw some shredded cheese in there with the meatballs. Your puppy will love that.”

What I did not say but should’ve said back to myself was, “what if he loves it TOO MUCH?”

Because that’s what happened. He literally refuses to eat his food without shredded cheese now. Going multiple meals in a row in a silent but defiant hunger strike until his terrorist overlord gives into his demands for humane treatment.

TL/DR: I’m an idiot sandwich.
@floodland I am also an idiot sandwich! Our little Corgi is the most defiant little prince when it comes to mealtimes. He regularly refuses a meal because it’s not “fun and cool” enough.

I add a spoonful of wet food and mix it in - but while he will GOBBLE a new wet food, if it’s one he has had before, he will utterly refuse. Even if he’s only eaten that wet food one single time.

Don’t continue to be an idiot sandwich like me. Give him 10 minutes with the bowl, then take it away. Give him the same food for the next mealtime, and nothing in between. Our boy once made it 24 hours before he gave in and ate. Now he’s on a schedule and eating much better, but he still decides to hunger strike for 24 hours randomly once a week. 🤦🏼‍♀️

And keep in mind this is all on very yummy, expensive kibble mixed with wet food and fun stuff. So he’s just being a little shit, haha.
@ctabb Haha, that’s the best way to put it!

I can’t even be angry with him, apart from his food fussiness he is the easiest and smartest puppy ever. At almost 6 months he is calm in the house, never chews what he’s not allowed to, drops things he steals at our feet for a treat, he’s friendly and polite to other dogs, completely potty trained (and was within two weeks of bringing him home) never barks in the house, and tolerant of all kinds of grooming and poking and prodding.

If this food thing is the most annoying thing he does, I consider myself lucky! ❤️
@nathie My dearly deceased 14 year old doggo went through something similar. Mum thought it would be a nice treat to buy him some of those fancy dog meals once a week. After week 2, he refused to go back on his regular food.

Had to alternate so he might get regular food in the morning and then fancy food at night. Then the next day fancy food in the morning and regular at night for the remainder of his life.
@nathie My corgi is the exact opposite. He will eat anything. He is a doggy dustbin when it comes to food and some non-food items if you're not quick enough.
@tieutien Same! We switched our pup over to adult food and we’re worried she wouldn’t like it… she devoured the whole bowl and even brought it to me to complain there wasn’t more 🤣
@nathie My dog often goes one meal a day because of this - he is still a healthy weight though and no fatigue so I just let him decide himself at this point 😭
@floodland We started to put a little of our protein from our dinner shredded in his kibble because he wasn't eating and underweight. His favorite now is salmon. If we eat whitefish for dinner such as cod, our little bugger won't eat it. What kind of a dog can distinguish haddock from salmon? Ours, obviously.
@floodland I pulled an idoit sandwich move with my cat last month. Got her a treat advent calendar. 3 days in it became clear she expects high vaule treats every single morning now for the rest of her existence, or else she will scream her head off until the police come and take her cruel abuser away.
@floodland We just want to spoil our furry little gremlins.

Think of it this way, you now have a bargaining chip. Pup found something he definitely shouldn't have? Trade it for some cheese. Pup not listening in a highly distracting environment? Cheese.

If you're feeling merciful... When I want my dog to be distracted but I don't want to give him too many treats, I add a little bit to a frozen Kong/topplr. So a little bit of cheese at the top to entice him, a thick layer of wet dog food and kibble, a little bit of cheese in the middle so he keeps working at it, another layer of regular food, and a little bit of cheese on the bottom as payoff so he knows he has to finish the whole thing for next time.
@floodland This is hilarious, and I can relate. A few years ago my cat had to go on a prescription diet. There were 3 brand options an he hated all of them and just went on a hunger strike. My vet suggested getting the probiotic packets to sprinkle on top because they taste good. Now when I put out his food the little twerp just sits at his bowl like "Nice try. Where's the sprinkles."
@pitcharan My pup is almost 2 now, and she's never been super fond of her kibble, to the point that we were worried she was getting too skinny. Now we rub two dehydrated liver treats together to make a powder that we mix in with the food some days. Apparently the smell is irresistible because she'll inhale the bowl with just a little. Anyway, we also call it adding sprinkles.
@robtarc Just do you know; if it seems like your dog is eating too fast then you should probably get a slow feeder bowl, or you could flip their bowl upside down and use the inside of the walls (if their bowl has that)
@godhelpag Inhale is relative, we started adding sprinkles because she was ignoring her food for most of the day and now she'll eat it as a single meal. She isn't in any danger of choking or making herself sick though. Thanks for your concern and I hope the message helps someone else!