I’m an idiot sandwich

@floodland This was a hilarious read. Thank you so much for the chuckle.

Best of luck OP. May sprinkle and mix in some cheese and slowly minimize the amount you put in each meal?
@floodland Mine thinks I sprinkle the cheese over the food even though the bag is closed and nothing pops out. He usually quickly goes to eat thinking ill have a lapse in judgement and take the cheese away. Then half way through goes waaaaait a minute..... And looks at me like I'm a horrible creature.

I do this about two to three times a week.
@floodland Had the same problem, he would "hold out" for some kind of topper.

We crate-fed the first 1.5 years. If he didn't eat in 3-5 minutes, we just take the food out and try again and his next meal time.

Eventually, he gets too hungry and stops holding out.

The downside, sometimes he throws up from not-eating, which is a pain.

Now he eats reliably in the kitchen. Same mantra, if he doesn't eat, we don't stress. Just take the food away and hope he eats at his next meal time.
@floodland My new pup will eat anything. But my old dog was picky as hell. I used to trick him by pretending to eat the food myself. I'd give it to him, he would turn his nose up, so I'd lift it and set it on the table where I always eat and stir it around, loudly. My apparent enjoyment of this food made him want it. I assume because he didn't want me to have nice things. Haha
@worthycause4christ Was just about to comment this! The amount of times we’ve embarrassed ourselves also eating invisible food at the table because it was the only time my dog would eat. “Mmmmm yum yum! Crunch crunch! Air and kibble is soooo good wow what a nice group mealtime.”
@floodland My pup is so picky, sigh. She’s nearly 8 months now.

My (and my trainer’s + vet’s) suggestion was to put food down at the same times daily. Leave it for 15-30 then take it away. Your dog should learn when the food comes out and to act quickly. If they miss the meal, then they’ll be hungrier for their next. They will not let themselves starve.
@floodland My 12 week old puppy is doing this thing where she hides high value treats for later. I normally catch her and have her eat the or take them away. She also has a new habit of jumping on the couch because she's finally tall enough.

Today, I gave her some beef kidney. I didn't realize she couldn't chew it and thought it was gone. I'm chopping meat and all of a sudden, the dog is on the corner of the couch. This is her spot to hide treats if she's on the couch (putting them in her toy box or in a wide open corner). I reach down to grab whatever she put there. Found the kidney. I have a white couch.

Everyone is an idiot sandwich at least once with their puppies.
@floodland Our pup had an upset tummy and the vet gave us some Fortiflora probiotics for his food. He will not eat his food unless he SEES you sprinkle it on. I open the packet and let him sniff it the same way a waiter shows you the bottle of wine you just ordered. Now I have to pay $30 a month to keep buying his "sprinkle stuff". 🤣🤣🤣 At least it makes him poop better anyway.
@floodland I feel you. My dogs get a spoonful of gravy (made with low salt bullion) on their food because we made that mistake about a year ago. Sad eyes from the puppers if they don’t get it.
@floodland Many millions of people owned by pets have made similar mistakes.

The remedy, though the dog won't agree, is to cut back on cheese until you are no longer putting any in.

Or just not give cheese until hunger forces eating. I've don't think a dog will starve itself because it wants better food.
@floodland My spoiled ass GSD, has decided he will charge a cheese tax. If you have string cheese and do not give me a piece (even an imaginary piece) he will cry as if we beat him. I used to rush thinking something happened and it’s my kid getting a string cheese and not sharing.

Loving our babies is just part of the joy of seeing them spoiled rotten.