I’m an idiot sandwich

@floodland Aww. It's OK. I found out quickly my boy LOVES steak. He can smell it (duh 🤷🏾‍♀️). Even if his bowl of food is ready, he wants mine. Doesnt matter if steak is in his. Now, I wait for him to watch me put steak in his bowl, then he'll go to the bowl. Lol. That's having a dog for ya, sometimes you forget they have a better nose. Like I can be crunchy and immediately he wakes out of a deep slumber to come into the kitchen to eat what I'm eating.
@floodland Oh god, I did something really similar with my pup! I figured since he's almost 3 months old, I could give him just a tiny bit of shredded cheese as a treat while making my breakfast.

Now he begs CONSTANTLY whenever I'm at the counter or the kitchen table... and it doesn't help that we also have a senior dog who was always fed table scraps and is also a chronic beggar. It's like she's teaching him to beg almost! I don't give them my table scraps, but that doesn't stop the pup from trying to jump on me.

I'm worried that he'll get big enough to reach the dinner table and he'll just start helping himself 😬 I'm doing my best to nip it in the bud though!
@heavenlygift My two aren't really beggars (they've never been allowed people food, and if they do get the odd raw veggie from making dinner we pretend it's from their treat box) but sometimes one gets hopeful if meat is around. "Out" is a life saver! If she sniffs at it, out she goes until she's being good or the meal is done. From the sounds, this might work for yours too, though it might take a bit of work
@floodland After my puppy was sick he wasn't keen to go back to dry kibble after fancy wet food. This was solved by organic ultra low sodium chicken broth the we diluted with extra water and put on his kibble. We can even just add water now and he is happy. Silly boy.
@floodland It’s funny they act this way, but can you imagine how boring it would be to eat fortified cereal everyday?? Like the allegory of the cave, once you’ve experienced something one can’t go back to the false “reality”, knowing that life has more to experience/and that most things are lies!

But that is how I was raised to feed dogs. My mum goes wayyy overboard, her pets are obese, but at the same time these creatures have their own personalities and tastes!

My little dog (14 yo) is not food driven and the pickiest of eaters… she won’t even eat the most gourmet of foods (liver, salmon, or even McDonalds lol) unless she’s in the mood. Every dog is different.

ETA: she loves a rare to rare medium steak, but wouldn’t eat it everyday if it became a norm.

ETA 2: you did nothing wrong at all. But it’s now important to give your doggo a variety of foods to satiate them for human food. Be it carrots, lettuce, blueberries, etc or any dog safe snack. I know for me, I could never be vegan bc I love cheese too much
@floodland my pup LOVES cheese as well. he is such a picky eater ( i’ve tried everything). sometimes i have to put cheese just so he’ll eat for the day. such a struggle!!!! why won’t he eat!
@floodland Luckily our golden eats just about anything.

But we have given cheese as snack on occasion but now he tracks down anyone in the house eating cheese and begs.

That being said, sounds like the dog is training you to give him shredded cheese on his meals.

If the dog doesn't eat his food in a 5 minute span, take it away and try again later. Eventually the dog will eat.
@floodland Our puppy ate everything enthusiastically until my dumb drunk friends gave him a few slices of sausage (I would not have approved if I would’ve been there mind you).

Since then he‘s been much pickier. I hate it, especially for training 🥲
@floodland My two year old will do this this. I swear he will give me those eyes like “mother, what I have I to deserve such… peasant food” and turns his nose and refuses to eat. It’s a stand off of who breaks first.

It’s me. I always break first.
@floodland Lol sounds like we’ve all done this!

What I’ve tried to do to combat this a bit is using the cheese (and chicken in our case) ONLY in a snuffle mat. That way it’s an extra special treat and it’s the only time she gets it.
@floodland There was some reel awhile back that showed a dog who would NOT eat his food unless his pawrent pretended to sprinkle spices into it!! Maybe all of you who have this issue could try PRETENDING you're flavoring up their food 🤣😂
@floodland When I put surprise goodie’s below my dogs kibble, they simply dig through throwing the kibble onto the floor. They tend to eat most of the kibble afterwards, but like me as a child, they prefer dessert first.