I’m an idiot sandwich

@floodland lol my pup will eat his own poop if I let him, can’t relate.

(Jk about the poop.. I think 🤔😂but I haven’t found anything he won’t eat)
@dxfax Same here, mine eats everything from cat and deer poop to grass and carrots. If it’s possibly edible she’ll go for it, her name is actually Hollydonteatthat! I finally found something she’s won’t touch, the rawhide rings Walmart had on sale at Xmas. She took it but just left it. Stuff must truly be awful…
@floodland I'm DYING THIS IS HILARIOUS. I did the same thing with my Pomeranian. You just want to give your pup the very best, right? FUN, right? Until you're in a hurry to get to work and you realized your dog won't touch their food unless you have cheese, which you have no more of.
@floodland Where as I don’t negotiate with our lab or Catahoula, my partner does. He prepares their dinner ever night with some people food and water like a 5 star dog restaurant. Our Catahoula is 21 weeks old, she will no longer eat dry kibble. SMH.
@floodland My aunt always put leftovers in her dog's kibble and now it won't eat its dinner without human food. I got frustrated when I had to dog sit because she won't eat without sprinkling something extra on it.

My pup on the other hand will scarf down her kibble like her life depended on it.
@floodland When my puppy was teething the only way I could get him to eat any food was to sprinkle cheese on it. I’ve never had such a stubborn dog before, he literally refused to eat ANYTHING. I talked to my vet about it and she admitted to me that she also sprinkles parm on her dogs food sometimes, made me feel a lot better about my life choices lol
@floodland When my puppy was thick in her teen years meals were the worst! She kept kibble striking since she wanted to see if I had anything better. Don't give in. She got her meal at set times and picked up 15 min later if she didn't finish. It took a few months and a few times where she'd strike for 2-3 days, start eating normally again, then strike for another 2-3 days, until she's now eating every single time. Hang in there!
@floodland I have a fussy cavapoo and did the same thing 🤦🏻‍♀️ was buying shredded cheese every week bc now cheese is expected UNTIL I got a tip to try sprinkling Parmesan. It is way easier/cheaper for me and he still likes it!
@floodland I switch things up for my golden and his dry dog food. Sometimes shredded cheese. Sometimes an egg. Sometimes tuna fish, or a bit of canned dog food. Sometimes a bit of oil with omega fatty acids.

Variety is good for dogs to make sure they don’t suffer from any vitamin or mineral deficiency.

And don’t worry about your dog not eating. No dog will starve if there’s food in his bowl.
@floodland If my dog refuses to eat I get the whipped cream out. "Eat your food and you can have some". Food instantly gets demolished 🤣

Hes a dachshund cross cocker spaniel and I worry that he's smarter than me!
@floodland I fell into that trap. Sadly the only fix is actually force him to eat that food without it. If he doesn’t eat the meal, take it away and give it to him next meal time. He’ll eventually get hungry enough that he’ll eat it.

Source: Someone who also fucked up by adding treats to his kibbles to get him to eat them more.
@floodland LOL! I was making some beechers mac and cheese and my puppy got a noodle that fell out. Never had cheese before, hell..never had real people food before. HE WENT INSANE. Like a kitty pouncing around it and having a ball. LUCKILY he forgot the delicious flavor... I think... I hope...
@floodland I join the idiot sandwich club for having given cheese as well. I think I prefer terrorist overlord, though. That's an accurate description of how I felt with a barking little wench in front of me, and me trying to stand firm...famous last words.
@floodland I have a standard poodle who is pretty meh about dog food. She also has a sensitive stomach. We’ve learned to put a tablespoon of yummy gravy wet food under her kibble so she has to eat through to get it. Even then, she’s never excited to eat and skips meals often. After owning and loving golden retrievers, this behaviour is hard to get used to.