How to treat diarrhea in a puppy


New member
I have a 5 month old puppy. About 2 weeks ago he started having bad gas. He eats fine drinks fine . He's up to date on shots n worming. Yesterday he started pooping lose stools and then threw up this morning? Stools r still brown ,smell is not bad (our 7 yr old had parvo so I know the stench) any ideas? Also I've put him on liquid diet today just to give his insides a break. (I'm using clear pedialite ) our vet won't b in till tomorrow . Any suggestions or ideas would b great.
@tj_nebraska Pedialite, checking for dehydration (you can google it), bland diet (plain rice) and tinned plain pumpkin (to help firm stools) are my go to, when I'm managing my time until the vet. I wouldn't do exclusive liquid feeding (pedialite isn't enough to support a puppy that young well imho but do whatever your vet recommended, it's for avoiding dehydration) and if the pups eating well I'd go with the bland.
@chrissyboy I gave him the pumpkin (not that he was to happy about it) I'm boiling rice n extra water now so he doesn't get dehydrated. I added some chicken too it n a little salt. Our vet said the smudge of salt would help keeping him hydrated
@tj_nebraska You're doing what I would do. This rice and chicken thing seems to work for diarrhea. Also, our puppy had Giardia for a long time without me realizing it. It's good that you're going to your vet ... I would have your poor little guy checked for that -- wouldn't want him going through what ours did. It takes a few days for the meds to take effect, but it's worth it.
Just really worried because he's fine otherwise very playful. And alert. But about every hour through the night he was up pooping . My husband said he also threw up a few times that I didn't know about
@tj_nebraska Just a side note here, I personally have a main vet and a secondary vet for the days/hours when my main vet is gone. It's also handy to have the nearest 24 hour emergency vet clinic scoped out.