How to say I’m done


New member
For a number of reasons I made the decision in the first week of this year to leave the grooming industry and I have zero intention of ever returning. I originally decided that I would make an exception for the one little dog I have been grooming out of its home every month for about 8 years now. It is only one day a month as opposed to grooming 40-60hrs a week. That was until I groomed the dog last month (after I had left the job). I got my calendars second appointment reminder two days before and was immediately filled with anxiety. I was unable to sleep for those nights and the day of I was close to anxiety attack status until I was finished and driving home. It does not help that about 6 months ago the dog started dramatically frog dogging at the slightest touch (and I mean the slightest) and being hella uncooperative in general. Not aggressive but the grooms now take me at least 30min more with the majority of the entire groom time spent trying to get the dog to use its legs. Today I woke up to my week before reminder and my anxiety is in full effect right now.

I can’t and don’t want to do it anymore. But the dogs owners are so nice and over the years I have attended holiday dinners (my family lives in other states and as y’all know this job does not allow us to take any time off during November and December) and am treated like part of their family. They even purchased me a table and small force dryer (which I paid them back for with four free grooms) when I first started doing this. Being as the appointment is next week I am going to do it. But I think this will be the last one. I simply do not know how to say I’m done, but again a huge reason I left was to stop living in anxiety 24/7. Any advice would be appreciated.

Update: Ended up grooming the dog today. Had a really good honest conversation and made today the last groom. Client was very understanding and it was an overall positive ending. I followed everyone’s advice and gave them several recommendations and wrote down detailed groom notes. Thanks everyone!
@chris_1989 It sounds like they care about you, so I would just be professional and honest. Tell them you made the choice to switch career paths and love taking care of their pup but need to do what’s best for you. Like the other commenter said, the best thing you could do for them is to recommend a groomer that you think would work well with their pup. In this field we do make very real connections, but at the end of the day it’s a career and you have to do what’s right for you if this career is not right for you.
@sailon They do care very much. I am not worried about no longer being invited to holidays as I live a content friendless solitary lifestyle the other 363 days of the year. I just had enough issues feeling guilty and selfish regarding the many requests clients I had and I don’t even know them personally. Thank you for the advice, going to save this comment and say exactly what you said. Do you think I should just get it over with next week after the appointment or some other time? I know I can’t keep putting it off.
@chris_1989 I know it’s hard and must make you anxious, but that’s even more reason to rip the bandaid off. It’s also going to be best for them incase they’d like to find themselves a new groomer, which as you know can take some time. Offer whatever kind of assistance you’re willing to and just emphasize how much joy them and their pet have brought you. I personally would create a notecard with any special instructions of the dogs behavioral needs & the lengths you use so the next groomer will be able to match your groom as close as possible and will know things about the dogs personality to make it easier to bond.

You’re doing what’s best for you, so you’re doing the right thing! :)
@chris_1989 I don’t have much advice for HOW to tell them, but maybe reccomend another groomer you trust when you do? Make the connection for them, then you won’t be leaving them high and dry.