How the flying f*ck do you dremel down a small fluffy dog’s nails?

@prayforsne When we do the nails we're looking at the foot from an angle where we can see the pawpad and the nails. The hand holding the foot needs to hold any hair away from the nails. If there's long hair on the paw pads itself that really should be done before the nails are done. As for the dremel itself, hold it like how you hold a potato peeler, but your thumb is touching the paw pad as an anchor so your hand isn't shakey. Then you're just gonna curl your hand towards the tip of the nail then back down. You don't want to keep a grinder on the nail for more than a few seconds at a time. If you're having time grind them for a long time you should really clip the nails first then go to grinding. It takes people a while to get good at doing nails so don't be too hard on yourself.
@prayforsne Ohh that's not hair that's so long that you have to hold it back w your finger to be able to grind the nails. Everything im seeing in the picture looks like a case of just needing to practice more and you'll get there.
@prayforsne Hee hee just a bit, I think you're being too hard on yourself. To give you an idea, I see it generally take 3-6 months for a bather that's working on dogs all day to get to the point of being happy with how the nails come out.