Flying in cabin w 8 week old

@bella_lee Great advice. Just make sure you are kinda sneaky with putting the puppy on your lap. It’s technically not allowed and I recently saw a video of a lady being removed from a flight allegedly because she was petting her pup in its carrier and the rules require a pet to be completely zipped in their carriers when onboard.
@leeza I brought one of my dogs home in the cabin from adopting him. He was a good flyer (ex showdog, lots of time on planes), but I put my fingers down in his carrier so he knew I was there.
@leeza i wouldn’t be too worried! when i first got my puppy at 10 wks he did very little other than sleep for the first 3 days or so. the transition is really tiring and overwhelming for puppies so especially when i had him in his carrier w me he just slept quietly the whole time.

he did throw up during the trip though so definitely put some pee pads in the carrier for easier cleanup and try not to feed her much before the flight to minimize the chances of her getting sick. i would also ask the breeder to give you a blanket or something of the like w her momma’s scent on it so she has that comfort of the familiar smell when she’s in the carrier.

but overall it’ll be okay! even if she cries don’t feel embarrassed, she’s a baby and i’m sure people will understand. my puppy is 5 months now and has been on 8 flights with me so far and is a pro! i think having that early experience w it really helped :)

and congrats on your new puppy!!! mine is also a poodle (a toy) and they are such a wonderful breed. i’d only ever get poodles after having this one, he’s still a piranha puppy of course but he’s so wonderful and bright and so easy to train.
@leeza I had two flights to get home with my boy from across the country. It was a long trip. The thing I regretted was not having a little toy for him. I ended up buying a children’s stuffie for him to snuggle with in his carrier. We had about an hour delay between flights as well. I used it to go to bathroom myself. Checked out the carrier, I lined it with several pee pads and was able to remove when he peed or got sick. I didn’t have any trouble on the flight, he slept the whole time. The trouble was the initial wait to board and the layover, where it was noisy in the terminal and he wanted out so I tried my best to just keep him entertained which meant basically having a hand on him the entire time.

ETA: One other regret was not having the breeder keep an old rag or something similar with the litter scent on it. I would ask your breeder and see if that’s something they are willing to do. I feel like it would’ve helped my baby
@leeza I just flew from Michigan to Texas to pick up our 11 week old puppy 4 weeks ago and I was really nervous about it. In the end, it was way smoother than I expected. She barked one time on the first flight and she was completely quiet for the second flight. I opened her carrier a tiny bit on the plane so that she could look at me and so I could hand her treats occasionally, but not enough that she could get out. Also, I made sure to let the people next to me know that I had a puppy with me in case she made noise. They were all fine with it and most of them wanted to see her.

Our connection was pretty short, but I managed to get into a family restroom to change out her potty pad before our second flight. The only thing I would do differently in the future would be to not have a layover in Atlanta because it’s always so busy and I could tell my puppy was really scared when we were there.

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