How often do you clean / wash your dog’s feet?


New member
I’m a neat freak / germaphobe. I also have bad allergies. That said, I’m a stickler about keeping my dog clean, particularly her paws and undercarriage area. She sleeps in the bed with me, and sits on the couch etc. We also live in a rural and rainy area, so keeping her clean is a must.

That said, it is VERY time consuming. I spend a LOT of time keeping her feet / undercarriage / private areas clean. Our routine is basically after every potty or walk (usually 5-6 times a day), I will put her in the tub and use a little baby shampoo to wash said areas, rinse, and then use a pet dryer afterward (no heat). This takes me about 30 mins every time. I understand it’s the price I have to pay if I choose to allow her on the bed or couch with me, which is totally fine.

I was just wondering if anyone else does this? How often do you clean / wash your pets’ feet? Would love to hear some ideas or tips / tricks on possibly less time-consuming ways to do this. Thanks!
@rania I've found that using hypoallergenic wet wipes and maintaining a short sanitary trim works best for us. We wipe her after every potty break and it only takes a minute when there's no fur. We also got her some boots for rainy days that has really come in handy, as she seems to love walking on puddles lol.
@branannabanana The air dryer comes in handy for that (no heat!) I don’t let her feet stay wet. Always dry them. She does not lick them now since I started doing this. Her feet have no odor at all