Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

@alliah I'm in the same boat! Back seat is her ick zone. I do not go there, she does not come up front. I'll clean it up every now and then but she's still a furry dog.

I had considered a crate for my car but my irrational fear of driving on a bridge while it collapses and her being trapped is what stopped me. We did settle on a doggy seat belt for her though in the event of an accident.
@bjyovino I have an AMAZING backseat setup that covers the seats, back and front, has a mesh part behind the centre console that can zip down, but also the dog can see through if you keep it up... the bottom part on the seat has a flat piece that's supportive, so my pup doesn't slide around. She's strapped in, harness and seatbelt, and it also has side flaps that direct dirt out of the car, and cover the outsides of the seats.

If you're interested, I'll go dig through my emails to see where I got it! I suspect Amazon, though... which is easiest, given that we may be in different countries.
@mooke147 I don’t do much crate training (my puppies were sleeping at night on the floor with the older ones by 4 months or so), and never really used a crate much in the day. So I’m not like many on here that do a ton of crating as a training method.

But it is useful to make sure they are ok with a crate - for the vet office if needed, travel, or if needed in emergencies (like emergency shelters during disaster events require dogs to be crated). For instance my elderly dog has developed dog version of type 1 diabetes, and needed to be hospitalized for a week. She also has to go for all day vet appts every 3 months now, but at first it was every 2 weeks. If she wasn’t comfortable with a crate it would have been horrible for her. Just something to keep in mind.
@lyneth Depends on the size of the dog. I only use a crate for my elderly medium sized dog, she literally can’t sit still in a car , and I put it in the backseat in my sedan just for her (and our) safety.

My other three larger ones I buckle into seatbelts and put a harness on them. Obviously I don’t take all 4 at once lmao.
@alliah Not to mention the passenger side windows lol but worth it lol. I have this hammock like thing that protects the back seat and of course doggy seat belt
@sueiam I hear you… but honestly… my dog is somehow less work and much “cleaner” than my solitary betta fish. (Water changes for my tank are a nightmare and make my germaphobia go haywire).
Gold fish require soooo much preparation, space, maintenance, etc…
@that_guy_you_are My home cleanliness standards have definitely slipped since I became a dog owner. But I have big dogs and live in the Pacific Northwest where it’s muddy for six months of the year. Your results may vary. Maybe consider a small dog that’s easy to pick up and clean versus a big dog that isn’t?
@that_guy_you_are I got rid of every carpet. I have washable throw rugs at the entry. A roomba. Lowered standards.

Yesterday I did a color run with my dog in the am. Put him in the house covered in powdered paint and went to teach a class. Planned to give him a bath, but he looked “clean” when I got home so, didn’t. Where is the paint? Don’t know, don’t care.

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