How often do you confront dog owners of unleashed dogs?

@torrako Damn, well sorry to see you're to fragile to have someone speak face to face to you when you're breaking the rules. If you think that's overstepping then I'm sorry to interrupt your solo-movie fantasy where only you exist, but in this country we've all gotta follow the same laws.

In that case, it must be easy to have your buddies let you off the hook whenever it's convenient. If I could just do whatever I wanted like you, I just might be the same way.
@pauls1015 Dog owner here. Mine is really well behaved and a trained service dog. I've had incidents with several residents at my complex where their dog charges mine or charge me. One even bit my dog's face.

I've asked owners to leash their dogs and they have the same response as the above commenter. My complex will not do anything unless a resident can be identified.

I agree that you are within bounds to say something, politely. They're breaking the law and their lease agreement. If they continue, definitely approach management.
@pauls1015 You are totally valid in asking this question. I have no need to apologize for this person’s ignorant response, but I think this page and community is based on learning and sharing and it sucks that this person made it seem like you asking a question was such an inconvenience. It was their choice to respond. Everyone can have an opinion but when things turn sour it’s such a shame. Thank you for asking this question, please don’t let others stifle your voice in the future.
I haven’t run into this problem much, unfortunately. I always leash for the safety of my dog (cars mostly), not because she poses a threat. I think it’s fair to request owners leash their pets when & where its necessary. If they refuse, they must be the person responding above. Good people (& pet owners alike) recognize that everyone’s pets are family & we wish and strive for their safety. Cheers to leashes serving their purpose & keeping our furry family safe 🍻
@pauls1015 Where do you live? Are dogs just walking on the streets? Here in Belgium that is not really a thing, except for maybe countryside or in a forest. Don't they get run over all the time? I can't imagine dogs being as cautious as cats for example.
@pauls1015 Yep I have two Pitt mixes next door that just use my yard as theirs. My heeler doesn’t like it as he was attacked in our yard while doing a wee by another loose pit.

They seemed to have gone missing though, I don’t know if the council picked them up or what