How do you quit?


New member
We all have the most unique work setting.. and I have no idea how to leave… So many dogs, such bad management, so many years of putting up with it from not having courage to do it before I dug myself to deep…

I can take some small dogs with me, but I know I would be leaving a lot of people S.O.L

also, I’m terrified of my 64 year old boss. I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about.
@gentleminh My current situation will not allow me to keep working here and spend the time on my family goals. I appreciate the time and experiences I've had here. My last day will be xxx.



You don't need to go into detail in a resignation letter. Most of the time, they don't read it. Stop booking new appointments. Let them know sooner than later. Luckily, after the holidays, most salons have a bit of a breather. Remember, it is not YOUR business. You don't have the responsibility to find new groomers for the shops clients if you don't want to or have time to do it.
@thankfullness I need this said to me every so often, its so hard to disconnect myself from feeling responsible for everything.

years of being made to feel so physically and mentally responsible for so much at work, while trying to build a career and dealing with loss at a young age 💔
@gentleminh I used to give "110%" at every job. I've been working since I was 14. After seeing people less qualified, promoted or given jobs I was already unofficially doing, I said screw that. Companies earn loyalty they don't get it automatically and there are very few companies that seem to bother any more. If I have 2 weeks to give I'll do it, but I'm no longer concerned about burning bridges because if I'm quitting I likely don't ever want to go back.
I never planned on staying at my small town, one family member works here already, shop forever.. but straight out of highschool I dove into wanting to groom SO badly. I dedicated myself to my shop and boss.. through the mental abuse and over working… i’m 27 now.

I want to give more time to our farm me and my S.O just purchased… and the push to work more and more is just not going to fit into my life goals anymore
@gentleminh Maybe you can start with "I can only do X amount of dogs per day. X amount of large dogs" then explain why. If your boss isn't with it then say "OK than I have to give my 2 weeks notice because I'm neglecting my family and my own well being"
@dwrity90 thats exactly how i feel. she’s very bad about taking new clients.. she has been trying to retire for the past two years. 4 yrs ago we had half our staff quit.. and another girl fired for stealing. We have an obvious management issue.
We absorbed these dogs. We all had a comfortable amount that we were at, but with each girl leaving.. days went from 9:30-5:00 and 5 dogs to 8:30-6:00 and 7 to 8 dogs with no bather or sec… good money, but physically and mentally draining.

We have the longest history in our small city and a SOLID clientele. A whole suburb next to our shop is all ours… I should add that i’m the only one currently who has never lived in this suburb.. let alone for over 20 yrs like my coworkers. Every week there is “someone’s husbands co-workers daughter” or a basketball coach with a new puppy. I’ve been trying to be better myself, but when you have the sweetest old lady tell you her old friend just moved back home with her dog… i just melt. I’m pretty good about saying no to most tho IMO and definitely have to problem telling people i do not know personally that there is no more room.

i’m so sorry for the word vomit 💜🥺

TL;DR she’s trying to move her own grooming dogs to me and the other groomers to ease her into retirement but it still talking new dogs.
@gentleminh Email him, if he tries to harass you/becomes abusive you have a paper trail. Do not accept any calls from him unless you can record the call (check state laws most are one party meaning only one person has to know the call is being recorded).
@gentleminh Be professional. Write a letter of resignation for 30 days from now. Don’t blame anyone , just your current situation needs more of your time and you will no longer be available for work. Thank him for the opportunity he gave you in the past
@gentleminh Try to get a new job lined up so you don't have to give any notice. If you're as stressed and scared as you seem they don't deserve notice. You've given them 10 years of your life they can make do without 2 measly weeks.