How do I tell my parents I need to start charging for their dog?

@lessgritma I try to groom him every 8 weeks. At my old job I was a lot busier so I’d sometimes go longer during the holiday season. This topic came up because now since I’m not as busy they want him groomed every 6 weeks or more often than that at least. That’s when I brought up I’m more than willing to keep him on a shorter regular schedule I’d just have to start charging.
@eloheem The way family supports family with a business is by patronizing and recommending that business, NOT BY DRAINING IT VIA STEALING THE BUSINESS' RESOURCES.

Because you're not simply giving a free service, you're giving away the time you could have made money that you need by booking a paying customer. It's fine to give a discount but work needs to be paid.
@eloheem One strategy for having this conversation could be “I’m sorry mom, I can’t put {dog} on my schedule anymore. I need to make room for paying clients, I need the money”
@eloheem i charge my parents! they know how it is with money right now and are very understanding. i give them a good discount (they pay 40-50 bucks for a small cavalier BB i trim her feet and ears).
@eloheem I groomed my mother in laws dogs for free for 30 years. And his sisters' dogs at a discount. Because family. They were Shih Tzus, not Labradoodles and that DOES matter. If the same situation had happened to me with my MIL i would have had to insist she keep the dog brushed so my time wasn't spent dematting. That said, money IS tight and you definitely shouldn't have to do them instead of a paying customer. If you're maxed, you're maxed, but if you're open anyway and not booked I don't see the harm. One thing I would like to say is if your parents got a big doodle AFTER you became a groomer, that's very inconsiderate of your parents - thats just disregard. If it's an allergy issue, there are plenty of smaller hypos out there. TBH, I was a bit miffed when my MIL got a second dog but whatever. I got over it. No judgement or shade here; just offering another opinion. I know I'm a lot older than you are and I have the perspective of both time and hindsight, but I can tell you this for a fact. I miss my mom every day. Im not trying to be unkind, but it's easy to lose sight of your real priorities when you're trying to crack that big nut every month on the 1st. I've leased storefronts before and it's a scary commitment. I wish you much success and who knows, maybe next year you'll be so busy you'll need to hire help and you can make them do it! ✌️
@eloheem You could tell them since money is tight, you have to charge them for equipment use and supplies but you’re giving them a discount on or free labor. Maybe they’ll understand if you phrase it that way. You could also make an itemized list of what a full priced groom for their hard to groom doodle would be so they can see the difference.
@eloheem Not grooming but I have a friend who does hair. I pay her full rate + 20% tip and her favorite coffee since she can’t leave work often. I value her and want her to stay in business
@frankems21 Exactly, it's not 2-3 hours every week (I would agree that a half day per week would be pushing it). This is the kind of thing that will bite if you ever need regular childcare
@jrepenning I don’t know… a bath here and there is one thing, but this is a full haircut on a 90 lb labradoodle. It might come back to bite OP if the parents are petty, but it’s just a little disrespectful on their end. My own parents pay me even if I just bathe/clip nails, because they respect the amount of effort and time it takes, and I’m their kid!

Parents shouldn’t be out here expecting free services from their grown child just because it’s their job- if OP was doing this out of their own goodwill that’s a different story, but it’s not. I’m sure if it wasn’t impacting them heavily they wouldn’t bring up charging after five years of free services

Edit: typo
@frankems21 Personally do my brother's standard poodle for free... It's just a 5 A/O every 8-10 weeks. It takes me a couple hours, and they aren't picky so I don't have to nitpick. Sometimes I even don't have time to bath him, so they will bath him the day before and I just do a shave down. Sometimes they give me 50-100 or just trade a favor. But I wouldn't ask. Me and my brother are close
@eloheem I groom my parents dogs for free and I know exactly what you mean. It sucks to try and work it in around all your paying customers and my paycheck usually reflects when they are here. I do this because they watch my son for free 2x a week while I work so I owe them more money than they owe me lol.

HOWEVER THEY ARE YORKIES. Your parents should absolutely understand that a big dog is a whole different ball game and takes so much longer and is worth more money. I would just let them be mad they will get over it.

Edit: Also they would always pay me before they watched my son. About half price but they wouldn’t take no for an answer
@eloheem Man, my parents would be offering me money…they wouldn’t expect me to do something like that for free. That’s a huge job for you especially when you could be taking another client in their place and making money.
@eloheem I learned how to handle this situation a few years ago at a class. The instructor said when someone expects a discount or free services say “if I give you a free service to help out your financial situation, that just means that me and my family have to go without.”

Then offer a family discount and say “I’m going to offer a 20% off discount for immediate family from here on out.”

That way you’re not asking for their approval or their opinions. You’re letting them know the situation, your boundaries, and your solution. The problem with family and friends expecting discounts and free services is that they aren’t supporting you. Don’t they want you to be successful? And if your books have free services on them, those are hours you aren’t making money. I’m assuming you learned how to groom so you could make a living, not to give family who doesn’t actually support you free services.