How do I tell my parents I need to start charging for their dog?

@eloheem If you don’t live in an old society where family/community did things for each other in exchange for other services to create a well functioning communities then that means you live in a modern society where the functionality of family is to raise you to be able to make your own living someday and not rely on them, this means they are a paying customer once you break from under their roof and they are no longer paying for your food for “free” (though it’s required of them by society {and morally} it’s not a gift but I won’t get into that)

All to say don’t feel bad about it
@eloheem I think what you should ask your self is, " if one groom or 2 hours makes or breaks the business then what can I be doing better to prevent from walking that tight rope."

I think in years of doing it. I have had only a hand full of people refuse to pay or write a bad check. But it is always in the back of my mind. I need to make sure I am making enough off others that a couple of non payments don't sink me.

I do it for free for family and cheap for my neighbors and friends. But none really have long hair dogs. I agree family should want to help, but is the real problem not going to accure once you have enough paying customers that you don't have time for free ones? Maybe remind them of this, groom free 1 more time, then the next time start telling them "man I would do it but I am booked today."

Just my 2 cents.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I am a mother and I had my daughter voluntarily. Any money I spent on her was entirely my choice. She doesn't owe me anything, and I'd be ashamed of myself for having this attitude, and I'd be ashamed of myself for letting her struggle for money whilst expecting free services.
@johnjohn1 Agreed! Expecting free professional services from your kid just isn’t right. It’s taking advantage, plain and simple. Parents should be out here supporting their kids, and just the fact that OP has been doing this for them for years has already saved them a great deal of money
@imagebeastmarkbeast If you can afford to do that then great. Not everyone can, and shaming them for it is rude. OP is setting up a new business, and that takes money and time. Their parents should be proud, not taking the piss.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Your original comment was shaming, and you're either tone deaf or aware of that. Shockingly enough, I don't care about you enough to be angered by you, but I did feel your lack of empathy required correction. Have a day as good as you deserve.

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