How do I tell my parents I need to start charging for their dog?


New member
Hi, I started my own business and it’s going really well but I expect I won’t have a full schedule for at least another year.

My parents have a 90 pound labradoodle that I’ve groomed for free for the past 5 years. I didn’t mind doing that for them before, but money is tight now and he’s not exactly a dog I can groom in an hour and a half. He usually takes me around 2 1/2 hours and it’s not an easy groom. I’d usually charge 120-130 for a dog his size but I said I’ll give them a discount and charge 100. They were not happy lol. What should I say to them?
@eloheem My sister was my dogs groomer for 10+ years and paid for every groom granted my price stayed the same the whole time but it always amazes me how many people think she should just do it for free because she is family...she was already cheap for her skill level and then to expect her to put 2-3 hours in for free?
@eloheem My mom forces me to take money when I try to not charge her. My mom is so good to me and has helped me so much when I’ve been out for surgery, etc. I would love to be able to do this for her but she refuses. Her exact words are “this your livelihood, I’m a paying customer just like anyone else.” So tell them exactly that, “this is my livelihood and as much as I would love to be rich and do this as a hobby, I haven’t hit the lottery yet.”
@khaellis As a mother of an adult child, I would have done the same thing as your mother. I can’t imagine someone taking advantage of their own kid like that.
@wendyanne Completely agree! Although my children are too young to work- my oldest hangs out at the shop during the summer (she’s 12) and I pay her WELL to just sweep & vacuum for me!
@khaellis My mom is like this. I charge her the lowest price I can without her being suspicious. Then I apply a "senior discount". I take whatever money she gives me and take her out to dinner or buy toys and treats for her pets.
@eloheem Not a groomer, but I employ my adult child. He’s a house cleaner and charges $40/hour…which is what I pay him. Regular rate.

I wouldn’t expect to tutor family members for free (I’m a teacher). I hired my son because I was hiring a cleaner anyway, his rates are comparable to others in the area, and I’d rather my money go to a family member than a random other person (and I have absolutely zero concerns about him entering my home if I’m not here)..

Your family expecting professional services free of charge is unreasonable.
@eloheem I would tell them you are unable to provide services where you are losing money on a groom, and every time you groom their dog, you have to pay out of your pocket. You checked around and average labradoodle grooms in your town/city are $X, however, you are willing to continue grooming their dog for $100 so you at least break even. Should they opt not to use your services, you are fine with that and are happy to recommend another groomer if they want.

Get used to this conversation as you may have to use it with other customers who expect normal rates for abnormally matted or rude dogs (essentially what I call firing your customer conversations).

Sorry your parents don’t appreciate the value you are bringing to their obligations as a pet owner.

Oh….and because math:
$120 a groom + 10% tip = $132; groom every 6 weeks
5 years * 52 weeks a year = 260 weeks
260 weeks / 6 weeks = 43 grooms
43 grooms * $132 = $5,676 you have saved them in total or, on average, $1,135.20 a year.
@eloheem You are welcome. I assume the rates for labradoodles are higher and therefore so the tips should be higher but you get the idea. Family can be wonky when they want the “because we’re related rates” but we have to hold firm. It’s one thing if it’s a face feet and Fanny and they’ve bathed the dog already but another when it’s a full groom. You could always invite them to bathe and dry and brush the dog so all you have to do is cut. I bet that would nip it in the bud! 🤣 Hahaha! Good luck!!
@tolditonthemountain lol so true. I’ve had a lot of issues with this lately since starting. Friends and neighbors are popping up out of nowhere expecting discounted rates and it’s been a little disappointing. I’d love to give everyone a discount but then I wouldn’t have a business.
@eloheem They should be happy to help you grow your business and not complain at the discounted price. They should have been at least trying to pay you for the previous grooms
@eloheem Say that you’re happy to give them a ‘family discount’ but you’re running a business and you can’t just give away 2.5 hours of your time for free.

How often do you groom it out of interest?