Help I don’t know if a dog breeder is fake!


New member
This breeder, Royal Bernese Mountains, has a puppy I would love to have so asked to buy them. Well they are showing some suspicious signs of a scammer.
I'm not sure if they are real or not. They are based in Colorado, has anyone heard of them? They breed Bernese Mountain dogs. How do I know if I can trust them. I am in a different state so I can't check them out myself. So far I have only gotten an automated email from them. I got pictures of the puppy, she is potty trained at 10 weeks. I'm not sure if she is real?
I loved the puppy from the photos and the looks of her, was like she is so perfect. My family said,
"that's because she is fake" The puppy already knows sit as they sent a video. So I was really disappointed after realizing that they were probably fake and a scam.
Royal Bernese Mountains Website Link
@fruitman33 It's impossible to tell. Either way, you should not get this puppy because there is zero information on health testing or the parent dogs. It's a scam at worst and backyard breeder at best.

Bernese are aptly called a heartbreak breed, meaning they die early. Do yourself and your family a favor and find a breeder that is doing all the proper health testing, rather than one that is just interested in making money off of puppies with no regard for their future quality of life.
@chrishudges This. Here's the link and a link to the recommended health testing: Verify on OFA: If you put on the breeder kennel name (check of any part of name,) and choose Bernese Mountain Dog (or whatever breed you are interested in) , it will bring up all the dogs with that kennel name. DNA testing is a breeder tool, health clearance testing is what reputable breeders do to try to ensure healthy puppies grow into healthy dogs, don't be snowed by DNA panel which should be done but it isn't healthy clearance testing.
@fruitman33 You notice how all the puppy pictures don’t have the same background that is one of the big signs it is a scam. Also some of the puppies look like they are way younger than 10 weeks. Also no parents page either
@fruitman33 Join active breed groups and ask about their reputation, you can also seek out other owners as well. But yeah, health testing at minimum is a must with this breed.
@fruitman33 If you scroll to the bottom of their website you will see Royal Bernese Mountains LLC. If you go to the Colorado Secretary of State website (I did) and search for that business in Colorado it does not exist.

There is a breeder in Michigan called Royal Bernese Mountain Dogs LLC that is indeed a registered, licensed business that appears to be the real one.
@mashral Hello, yes I am Ashley King who owns Royal Bernese Mountain Dogs LLC located in Montrose, Michigan. This is extremely frustrating that these people are scamming others and I’ve been gaining a lot of phone calls because of it asking if I am affiliated with these people.

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