Have been working with a reputable breeder but mom is first time and had to have a c-section and has rejected the puppies…advice?


New member
Hi there - what a roller coaster. The pups were delivered by emergency c-section in the night and I just heard the mom who is a first time mom has rejected them. Am I right to think I don’t want a dog who was raised by people instead of a dog? All my reading about puppies says the mom is the first and very important teacher.
@svitlana78 I am interested in seeing answers and also to know how the breeder is handling the situation.

Is the breeder looking for a dam that could potentially foster the puppies?
@svitlana78 I think the transparency is great!

Definitely don't feel like you have an obligation to commit to a puppy you aren't sure about. Be transparent with the breeder that the idea makes you a bit uneasy/worried. If they are reputable, I feel like they will understand and work with you in some way.
You are the one who will be responsible for the pup for the rest of its life, so be sure to raise any concerns you have about the puppy/situation.

@svitlana78 Personally I don’t pick out a pup until the litter is 4 weeks old. Gives them time to grow a little so I can at least have SOME idea as to their personality.
@bundaiik This is the way to choose their name, lol.
Every time my husband says, "What are we going to name the puppy?" my response is, "I won't know until I meet them"
@svitlana78 It depends on how old the puppies are TBH. If they're still under a week or two, mom could come around to them once she's healed and feeling more maternal. It also depends on if their are other dogs in the breeder's home. They will often help to raise the puppies (once they're a bit older), which means mom isn't the only one who can teach them things.

I'd also want to know how experienced the breeder is. If they've got a lot of years under their belt as a breeder (like 10+ at least), I wouldn't necessarily be super worried, especially if they're using things like puppy culture (or similar) and being transparent about it.

Plus, a reputable breeder should be picking the puppy for you, and if they feel that there's one that is suited to your home, I would still be willing to bring it home.
@frankda4th Thanks so much. They are picking the pup for me. I don’t choose. They are using puppy culture. The breeder is newer - 5 years in but is a vet themselves and has demonstrated trustworthiness to date. They are working with a more experienced breeder to see if they can get the mom to come around and she nursed the pups today.

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