Apparently the owner and I have beef, and I’ve been falsely accused

@daffodil255 I’m not a groomer, but if I had to guess, they’re having money problems (or they’re greedy/unrealistic). If they actually thought you were stealing, they would have fired you already. The owner doesn’t sound like they know how to run a business. They don’t know how to manage people – giving feedback is important – and they probably aren’t managing the monetary side well, either. I’m not sure how you could be working six days a week and not working enough to “support the business.” Also, that’s a bunch of crap. it’s not your business, and they should be expecting you to adhere to their policies, not prop them up.

Anyway, start looking elsewhere. Not only are you being treated poorly, I would bet that this is a sinking ship.
@daffodil255 I'm not a groomer, I just follow this sub for help with my home grooming and for cute pictures.

That being said, these accusations sound like they come from a business owner who is disappointed with their profit margin and seeking a scapegoat to blame. The sooner you leave and establish your reputation at another business, the better. Don't badmouth the previous employer, it will make it seem like you were an active participant in the drama. Remember: if you can't say something nice, say something vague. People will figure it out in time.

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