Hair/coat support


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I have a 2yo Kelpie mix, He has food & environmental allergies which in the last 2yrs have totally destroyed his coat & hair growth. Allergies are managed, no more flare ups! BUT his coat has just never recovered. Needing advice on supplements/grooming routines.

He is allergic to all animal protein excluding: Fish/seafood, kangaroo, pork and rabbit.
As per Vet recommendation he’s bathed every 2 weeks using Malaseb medicated shampoo & Aloveen conditioner, and coated in coconut oil for 1hr before the wash.
He also gets omega oil daily which contains omega 3, 6 & 9 and vitamins A, D & E.

He’s got patches on his outer thighs, side of rib cage and chest where his hair is struggling to grow back as thick as it should be. It’s very thin and sparse.

Any recommendations to help his coat health!! and please no advice needed on the allergies, he’s medicated and we have ‘avoidance’ management in place. His stomach has caught up & recovered but the coat just isn’t there yet.
@thunderlight We mix aloe and silver in a spray bottle to help our guys with bad skin and to get their hair to grow. We also have dogs who have suffered to much damage and can't grow a even/thick coat.
@thunderlight Melatonin and flax oil supplements . Soft bristle brush to stimulate the follicles. Look for a prebiotic shampoo and conditioner, I think IGroom makes a good one. You’re killing his skin biome continuing to use a medicated shampoo if his allergies are managed he shouldn’t need it anymore. Can probably skip the coconut oil too. It clogs pores.
@joshua14 Hmm I look into a prebiotic shampoo & conditioner! The medicated washes have been part of the maintenance, that and a few prescriptions and lifestyle changes but you can only avoid certain grasses so much when you have land 😅 i know stimulation is great for human hair growth no idea why that didn’t cross my mind for dogs! Thankyou , something to think about!