guilty about not treating my dog right

@aleezay Thanks for the suggestion! I haven’t brushed my puppies’ teeth yet, and was dreading having to wrangle them daily. Don’t want to stress them out.
@kath141 Totally agree! I just needed some dental work myself and think about how much pain I was in for a week or two. Some people don’t take their pet in for teeth cleaning in the animal’s entire life.
@amusingmargaret I wanted to say that it's so heartwarming to read that you do care for your dog. Now, when you are older, you can do more for him. It's so great thar you sacrifice some morning sleep to walk with him. I'm sure he is happy to spend this time with you. Do you have the possibility to take him to your room for nights?
@amusingmargaret Also think back to the best times you have ever had growing up as a kid. Most people can highlight 10 off the top of their head and maybe 30-40 good memories. The rest is just mundane, awake,eat, sleep. Memory delete all crap.

Focus on the time you have now and do his favorite things, walks, hikes/ adventures. Make his next core memories count.
@jenndoglady This, it’s never too late to start 🙌 Had the same thing happen with our old dog, schoolwork (college) kept me from walking her enough. When her health started to decline, I actually took a break from school to focus on her. Gave her the best last 9 months of her life, took her to the park every day, babied her as much as I could.
@amusingmargaret Hey OP. Just wanted to invite you to /r/OldManDog as well. It’s an age-based all-animal sub (I just called it what I said about my Dante when I created it - he was my old man…dog), and they can give you a lot of age-specific advice as well. Just make sure to include his name and age in the post, and you’ll get all the feedback you want. Or just to show him off too!

You’re a good kid. You can never go wrong with trying to better yourself and the living situation of your pets. 💖
@amusingmargaret Dogs very much live in the moment. They don’t hold on to resentments and regrets about the past the way that we do.

I wasn’t the best owner to my old dog when he was young, I didn’t walk him enough and left him alone too long. I changed and spent the rest of his life making it up to him and he was the happiest guy. I was tougher on myself than he ever was on me. He was just happy.