Grooming 4 - 5 dogs down to 3? Not speed


New member
I was doing 4-5 dogs a day. Now I'm down to 3... one of two things is happening, and I'm only sure how to fix the one.

1. Could it because my blades are dull so I'm having to spend more time scissoring to make up for it? If so, just sharpen my stuff.

2. I hit a plateau and need to figure it out. I'm spending so much time scissoring sticky-outies on legs. My boss is obsessive (in a good way) about getting any sticky-outies on the dog. She's gone for a few months, but I don't want her to come back or get complaints, and be like "wtf..."

Feet have become a weird fixation, like they have to be perfect. I know that's adding time. I have no idea how to break this.

Any advice? This isn't necessarily a speed thing. It's more of a focus thing I think. Misguided focus maybe?
@natalia2019 do you have any coworkers besides your boss? my coworker and i often fall victim to the endless nitpicking so we have a rule where if we turn the dog to the other and say “done?” we will give honest feedback about if the dog needs more work or not
@sunee1 I remember one of my coworkers telling me to stop if it looks good enough. I took it the wrong way. I realize what she meant now. She was trying to tell me to stop nitpicking.

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