FYI for those who follow the r/reactivedogs sub…


New member
I cannot believe the mods of that sub allowed this, because I am just … WHAT?

They are removing comments for anyone who suggests the use of a prong collar, or e-collar, as a tool for behavior correction and modification. I personally do not like e-collars, but I’m also not a trainer or behaviorist.

BUT A PRONG COLLAR?! It’s whole purpose is to remind the dog of the limit of the lead they are on, and to not pull and potentially hurt themselves and/or handler. And if it’s fitted correctly, it does not fucking hurt. At all.

they changed the rules of the sub to follow the PIMA method of training only (tf??) and will delete comments suggesting otherwise.

I am bamboozled as Ace, our properly trainer fur missile would say.

Guess it’s time to go walk him with the prong collar… what a monster I am. Shucks 🫠
@deoxiclean I use to be against E collars also. And then I started using one. The problem isn’t e collars, it’s people who misuse them.
I recently upgraded to one with a low stimulation (127 levels) and a vibrate only.
My dog sits at a 25 and it’s only enough to make him flick his ears back or tilt his head. I tried it on myself before EVER putting it on my dog which all people should do with any training tool that has a corrective behavior. You should know what your doing to your animal so you’re properly educated about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ a fuck ton of people misuse prong collars it’s not even funny. Or they use them on dogs without ever installing training.
@km1993 Oh no, this was not my first rodeo with a prong collar. It was necessary for our older dog, who is a gigantic pitbull. While he is amazing, he is dog reactive. We had to learn how to use a prong collar, and we made sure to do it with a vet (and trainer). We repeated the same process with Ace, after trying other methods first.

I can now walk him while holding the leash haphazardly, and he will always pause before take off. It’s rare to feel him jolt without a warning. We never got up to being completely leash free, but that’s also because of the area we live in. There aren’t many open spaces that are not dog parks near us.

I’m not opposed to e-collars if they’re used correctly. I just don’t have any experience with them, and don’t know the process for it. I’m not a behaviorist, but I can for sure see when they’re necessary for certain dogs.
@deoxiclean 🤦‍♀️ I’m not a trainer but I’ve fostered many dogs and have two of my own (one is leash-reactive). IMO a prong collar isn’t the FIRST tool to try, but it’s definitely a valid one to have in the “toolbox”. Even my derpy puppy still uses one and is in no way traumatized by it!

My vet is quite anti-prong collar, but even she acknowledges that sometimes it’s the safest option (such as with my 120lbs reactive dog). He’s ripped right through halti-type leads just because of how big he is and how strongly he can pull if he really decides to.
@dondidon Sometimes people tend to over-rely on the prong collars rather than good training and repetition.

I know what you mean about the big pups. I had two sibling gsd/old english pups. The female was 135lb's and the male 115. The male was laid back, but the female was bodacious in every respect, although compliant at the same time.
@tylerw I agree about overuse! We only use it for long walks, or unfamiliar spaces. Otherwise we cruise around the neighborhood with a normal lead. That’s it!
@deoxiclean That is reasonable, and most pups respond well enough that no pain and absolutely no damage is done. Minor discomfort if used properly, and that's the point.
@tylerw Exactly. When in use, he gives a slight pull when he’s obviously interested in something. He feels a slight resistance or pressure, immediately relaxes.

Does it work every single time? Of course not. He’s a shepherd, not a robot. It’s part of the excitement! Haha!
@deoxiclean To tell the truth, I look at them as if they are working with the mental capabilities of a four or five year old human child. The same curiosities and awe at new experiences. Just a little more work to get them to understand proper behavior sometimes.

An example, I recently inherited a fourteen year old cat. Maddie (my pup) likes cats but wants to kiss her everytime they are in the same area. Well you know cats don't always appreciate that kind of attention from a dog.

Annie with swat at her with no claws out and Maddie thinks she wants to play.

So you can imagine the scene that follows. But impressing Maddie with the idea that Annie is a "baby" changes the situation to laying close by and observing and being in the company of Annie.

They are rapidly becoming more like siblings, and choose to just be in each others company.
@tylerw Yep! We have that too. Our shepherd also has 2 younger feline siblings. We’ve had both since they were kittens, so they don’t know any different from having a gigantic dog in the home. Multiple ones at that!

The cats punch him (I swear) and he actually enjoys it. Like, ok. I know you’re a sociopath. But DUDE, come on. The cats????

Nothing short of a suburban zoo in here
@deoxiclean My first Shepherd had a litter of kittens that she thought she was momma to.

She had to get in the box with them first thing every morning and check on them several times a day. The kittens actually came to look at her as their momma.

Really got insane when they were really mobile and she would try to herd them into a group. You could see the frustration on her face.

Anything we told her that it was a "baby" she would fall in love with. Her favorite (believe it or not LOL) was my daughters pet rat.
@tylerw Actually believe it! Ace is obsessed with crickets, and he gets SO sad whenever my husband kills one in front of him. It’s so pathetic it’s adorable haha
@imagebeastmarkbeast No judgement! I honestly just have never used an e-collar. So I don’t like them from lack of information/ experience. I am fully aware they are necessary for dogs, much like Andy.

Honestly, I have to know… do you call him Andrew and say it sternly when he’s especially shepherd like?
@deoxiclean No, he's just Andy all the time.

He was especially bad for the first year. He was my fourth and I never had one this bad. We almost got rid of him twice. His trainer recommended a shock collar, so I got one. I mean, I can't explain to you how quickly it worked.

He's only been zapped a few times; I usually beep or buzz him. He knows the buzz/beep also zaps, so that's why it's effective. Like I said in the previous post, I just use it as insurance in case he chases a cat across the street. I don't think he's been zapped in at least a year.
@imagebeastmarkbeast See, that’s wonderful. That is the entire point of an e-collar (I think), when used properly. I’m not a trainer so my experience and knowledge is very limited. However, one could safely assume, that it is literally meant for that exact purpose.

I’m sorry Andy was being so stubborn. But I hope everything is much better and smoother now.

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