Frenchie ate cotton pad (like the kind you use to remove makeup), has had regular BMs but hasn't passed it yet - should we be worried?


New member
Yesterday around noon my 2 y/o French Bulldog ingested a single cotton pad (similar to one of these) and I'm not sure what to do. We've been monitoring her since she ate it and she's been acting totally normal mood, energy, and appetite-wise. She's had 4 regular BMs since eating it, but doesn't seem to have passed the cotton wad from what we can tell.

Should we be worried? Take her to the vet? Continue to monitor the situation?
@juremahrb I would at the very least give the vet a call. She might of passed it without your knowledge if she seems to be acting fine.

For future reference I would call a vet as soon as you find out she’s eaten something she shouldn’t. Depending on what it is they might want you to bring her in right then or induce vomiting. Don’t just wait to see what happens.
@juremahrb When they are blocked or have a foreign body causing a blockage, they will have vomiting, stop eating, and stop defecating (or they will pass diarrhea around the blockage). Are you pulling apart the stool to check inside or doing a visual check? It's possible that it was wadded up inside a recent stool if you're not pulling it apart. Since your doggy is still eating, acting normal, and defecating, continue to keep a close eye on the stool and their temperament/activity. If anything changes in the slightest, get them to your vet asap. They won't be able to see the cotton pad on an x-ray, but they will be able to see a blockage. I would still give them a call to let them know what happened and they can tell you how to proceed.

My 11 year old pit ate a small bag of avocado salad dressing that I had closed with a paperclip last week. She luckily passed the clip and it was inside of her stool the next day. I thought the puppy ate it as she was the one that raided my lunchbag and didn't suspect the older dog, but was monitoring their stool for it as they both continued to act/eat/defecate normally. We were extremely lucky, as I've seen a dog have to have exploratory abdominal surgery for a paperclip that opened up.
@juremahrb I wouldn’t worry about that, it’s too small to cause a blockage and it’s soft too so won’t injure anything. My frenchies have eaten way worse things than that and are fine