Dogs ate a PB&J

@alabamawriter84 I’m certain three 60kg dogs sharing one sandwich with grape jelly will be fine. My tiny miniature dachshund weighing 4kg has eaten some onion and the chocolate shell of an M&M before (he left the peanut oddly) and he was fine. Dogs are much more resilient than you’d think. Good call for calling the vet, it sounds like they agree they’ll be fine. I can see why you would be worried but please don’t worry. The worst that’ll happen is vomiting.
@alabamawriter84 There is no official amount for grapes toxicity. Go what the vet say have an eye on them and with any unusual behavior call again. My dog constantly eat few grapes and was fine (not to say it's good to give them)
@alabamawriter84 The grape jelly doesn’t have sweetener in it either I don’t think. They will be perfectly fine! My family sometimes makes peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches and they always share a bite or 2 with the dogs! Not dangerous at all. Grapes are only toxic in large quantities and grape jelly doesn’t even have that much grapes in it. Unless the dogs ate the whole jar (they will probably still be fine even if they did), don’t fret at all. The most you might see is a bit of soft poops for a day or 2 if they’re not used to eating fatty peanut butter. You might not even see that.
@katuswetha Yeah, it’s really variable. A single grape killed my friends’ pit bull. It depends on both the dog AND the grapes involved (dogs aren’t just “sensitive or not sensitive” - a grape from one batch might be just fine, while a grape from another batch might be fatal in the same dog). But I doubt that some accidental Smucker’s jelly has that much actual grape in it, especially between 3 dogs.

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