Flying in cabin w 8 week old

@leeza I flew with my ten week old pup in cabin. One of the biggest helpers for us was his snuggle puppy. He is 14 weeks now and still sleeps with it (I turn the heartbeat on at night).
He did get quite warm so watch the temp under the seat in front of you. I gave him ice cubes to play with, and he fell asleep with the top of his carrier unzipped. And the flight attendant also said that if I needed to take him out of his carrier, I could take him to the washroom. Good luck!
@leeza I can’t advise as I’ve never flown with a dog, but if it makes you feel any better, I’d rather sit next to a barky puppy than a screaming baby!
@leeza Flew with my border collie pup at 8 weeks. It was a fast turnaround. I flew in late at night, slept a few hours, then met the breeder and flew back the next morning. I traveled very light.

It went pretty smoothly, I did a lot of prep beforehand. Things I did that I can recommend:
  • I made 4 "potty packs," which were a single pee pad and a couple folded paper towels in a gallon ziplock bag. This way you could set down the pee pad in a bathroom stall or on the ground somewhere, let the pup go, clean up any mess, then stuff it all back in the ziplock bag to throw away without leaks everywhere.
  • NOTE: Do NOT use the 'dog potty stations' in the airport, since he's not fully vaxxed. I used the handicap stall in the human bathroom. Much less parvo risk there.
  • Layered pee pads in the bottom of the carrier. That way if there are any accidents, you just lift out the soiled top layer and toss it. And if it spills over, there's more to catch it underneath.
  • Put my name, my puppy's name, and my cell phone number on the outside of the carrier in case we got separated somehow.
  • Made sure he had a puppy collar with my name and number on it as well.
  • Brought extra ziplock bags for ice (in case he got overheated and needed something to cool down). Didn't end up needing them for ice, but used them for trash and used wet wipes.
  • Brought a small battery powered fan for cool air circulation (again, in case he got overheated). Didn't end up needing this either. But one reason they might cry is from being overheated, so I'm glad I took it just in case.
  • Brought a small bag of food in case we got delayed (didn't end up needing it). Also took treats and chews. He wasn't interested in them, likely because he was prone to motion sickness (that he didn't grow out of until 2 years old).
  • Brought a small collapsible bowl (for him) and a big water bottle (for both of us). Definitely used this.
  • Took a document pouch for all his health cert and vax records.
  • Took a little travel package of wet wipes for cleanups. These definitely got used.
Prep work made everything pretty easy. Day of the flight went very well. I stuffed my whole kit into a small backpack, so no checked bags and no hassles.

My pup was the big boy out of his litter, so the airline-allowed-sized sherpa carrier was a bit of a tight squeeze. But it was only for a couple hours so it wasn't the end of the world.

I had all my paperwork in order, but the lady at the check-in counter barely glanced at it. Weighed him in the carrier and got us all set. He cried a little through check-in in his carrier, but settled down afterwards.

If you're in the US, when you get to TSA, you'll have to take him out of the carrier and hand carry him through the metal detectors. Don't make my mistake and pick him up before you take off your shoes. Oops,lol. I recommend slip on shoes, too. Make your life easier as you try to wrangle a squirmy puppy and a TSA agent.

Expect to have every single person you see coo over your pup. You'll get a ton of attention.

At the gate, I opened his carrier and held him a little while. But he was very sleepy after all the excitement and ended up falling asleep with his head on my hand. (Awww)

On the flight, you're technically supposed to leave them in the carrier and the carrier closed. Some flight attendants might look the other way and let you take them out, but don't go in counting on it.

As it turned out, mine slept most of the flight. He cried a little at takeoff, but then went right to sleep and pretty much slept the entire time (it was a two hour flight). He got a little fussy afterwards on the various ground transports we went through (a 45 minute bus ride from the airport, then a 30 minute drive home).

I also stocked my car with towels and a change of clothes, in case cleanup was necessary. Towels got used (he got a little carsick), but didn't end up needing the change of clothes.

All in all, it went pretty well.

Only thing I would have done differently is maybe send the carrier to the breeder ahead of time so she could get him used to it before the flight. But I didn't think to do that, so he went into it as a totally new experience. He handled it fine, though.

A little prep work and you'll do fine! Good luck and congrats on your new pup!
@primordiarch Thank you so much for good advice! Wet wipes need to be packed for sure!! And the Big water bottle is a good idea😃 it's better to be prepared.

The fans and ice are good suggestions for others bumping into this thread flying in heat- things are pretty cold here and the planes aren't that warm either so i am hoping for enough warmth!
Prep seems key this is not something to just be winging it if you don't want to learn things The hard way as you go😂
@leeza No prob!

Also, in that case, for cold temps, think about packing a couple chemical handwarmers and a little hand towel. Wrap the handwarmer in the towel (so it's not TOO hot for puppy) and you can slip it into the carrier to provide something snuggly and warm. :D Might be a good comfort, too, for the pup since they're on their own for the first time with no siblings or mom nearby.
@primordiarch Hey! Did your pup fit the carry on crate no problem? I am considering flying with a 8-10 week old border collie female and worried they won't accept it because of the size
@espy Yup, we made it through! I used a Medium sized Sherpa carrier. He was 10lbs at the time and was a little cramped, but he fit and the airline (American) let him through. A lot is at the discretion of whoever is checking you in so it's not a guarantee, but I didn't have any trouble.
@espy He's male. :) In my case, I knew ahead of time which pup was set aside for me. He was the biggest one in the litter, too, so I was a little nervous about the flight, to be sure, lol. But it all worked out!
@primordiarch Ok well that's good to know - maybe a small female would be less risky in my case! or checked bag with other dogs - just a lot for a new puppers.. Thanks so much
@espy It will probably be fine! And, yeah, I would recommend doing everything possible to avoid sending your pup in cargo. There's just too much that could go wrong in cargo. Flying in the cabin with you is definitely the safest method.
@primordiarch True! Although I'm hoping I would reduce those changes by having a direct flight? Or are you talking more about health?

It was exactly 8 weeks eh?
@leeza I know you said non-medical, but our breeder had her vet give the puppies with long journeys ahead of them a travel-sickness med before they departed. Helped with avoiding vomit, and also made ours drowsy.
@leeza Puppies sleep a LOT. My baby slept most of the 10 hour car ride home. Ask your breeder to put a blanket in with puppy and Mom to get the mom's scent on it and it it in the carrier with it. If there's room also get a snuggle puppy, a stuffed dog with a heartbeat sound inside( Amazon). We got the small version of snuggle puppy for my Yorkiepoo and it was still a like bigger than her! She's 10 months old and still brings that puppy out of her crate every day.
@leeza I did this just two months ago and it went really well. The plane was so much easier than the car to and from the airports for this puppy. It's like being inside a giant white noise machine!

Things that helped:
Bringing paper towels and/or wet wipes, puppy pads, and a couple of gallon sized plastic bags for waste. My puppy peed on the tile at the airport during the layover and it was fine. I wiped it right up and the folks sitting near us didn't care at all, they were in love with him!
Bring poop bags too!

I had a lot of puppy appropriate chews to give him during takeoff and landing, and I had my hand in the bag to comfort him then too.

I gave him some GABA and tryptophan treats (tailspring calm dog, goat milk) before the flight to help him feel calm.

I had a toy and a long term non edible chew for down time outside of the carrier at the layover.

During the flight I was worried he was thirsty so I fed him some icecubes from my hand that I got from the steward.

Good luck, and have fun!!!
Oh, we also tried the bathroom for him to go potty. It was mostly a socialization to the sound of all the flushing! He wasn't able to relieve himself with all that loud water thunder going on around us.
@leeza I did this! My puppy pooped her carrier right before security and mashed it into her paws a bit, so that was not a super fun clean up job in the airport bathroom. Definitely line the crate with puppy pads. Other than that it was smooth sailing, she was quiet and most of the flight I held the carrier in my lap and let her stick her head out. Just take off and landing she had to be stowed under the seat. She slept a lot of the time and got lots of pets.

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