Extreme excess shredding


New member
Buckle up this might be long.

It had been four months since my dog’s (lab pit mix, 6yo) last grooming and his shedding was getting particularly bad. So Wed (10/7) he went to the groomer. I pick him up and the groomer said he was worried as he found a bald spot and that the fur was coming off too easily he was worried more were going to come up. He suggested to take him to the vet. All the while post groomer his fur is more coarse than usual. He’s usually super soft post groomer, not this time.

So thurs (10/8) we go to the vet, vet from the outside suspects he’s just shredding his undercoat but could be a thyroid issue so we do a blood test. Also keeping in mind he has no other symptoms.

Fast forward to yesterday, I speak with the vet to review the blood results and she says his results are pristine and says he’s in great health. The vet couldn’t give me answer on what to do with the fur saying it’s likely normal, though in the 4 years I’ve had my dog he’s never experienced this type of shedding/coarse hair.

So I post here wondering if anyone has experienced this weird excess shedding/coarse hair in their dogs. I’m worried it’s not gonna grow back but there’s no underlying disease detected so I’m at a loss! I’d love any advice.
@cyberchristian Could be seasonal molting, stress, diet, environmental allergens/irritants. Tough to guess.

I'd follow up with the vet again. The fur loss and texture change is still a symptom, so no, he's not the picture of good health. What does the vet suggest you investigate next?

When all else fails, I'd switch diets and see what that does over the course of a few weeks. Something different from the brand and flavor you're feeding now.
@kawaiichristi The bet just suggested getting a specific brush for his fur, I forgot what it’s called but former than usual brushes.

Switching his diet is a good idea! She didn’t suggest it but certainly won’t hurt.
@cyberchristian I dunno, if you think there's a problem then follow up on it. You know your dog. My worry was more that maybe the vet misunderstood your concern about health for a complaint about fur in your home.

Like, the problem isn't the shedding. The problem is that you don't know whats causing it, and it might be an indicator of a solvable problem.
@kawaiichristi I'm about to say this because I am a gro ok me who went to a grooming convention where there was a veterinarian there who said drs in usa dont get but one semester of skin dermatology schooling.

I could be wrong, but this was a national event.

Thus comment is completely right I replied to is completely right, it could be anything. Look up or ask for drs in your area who know more about dermatology. Losing chunks of hair isnt normal and bald spots are bot normal

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