Excessive panting and whining

@taylordactyl I was definitely taking the risks seriously, I just wanted to be able to care for both of my dogs at the same time, we managed to get past her cycle with no issues thankfully and she will be getting fixed in about 2 months. I wasn’t trying to come off as an irresponsible dog owner, that’s why I came here to ask the questions that I had.
@tekela Try to crate & rotate, & keep them in separate rooms! Allowing them to be together while in heat is likely to end up in an unwanted little. I’ve heard of dogs being able to mate while one is in the crate with the other outside it.

I would make sure you have a door closed between them at all times. If this isn’t possible, I would board your male for the time being! Good luck!
@tekela KEEP YOUR INTACT DOGS SEPARATE!!! This is how “oops” litters happen. If there is a will, there is a way. Dogs can tie through chain link fences if that says anything.

Also, if you can’t even support yourselves, you definitely couldn’t even afford the extensive amount of titling and health testing you’d need to do to responsibly breed anyway.
@mreeed I never said we couldn’t support ourselves.. I decided to do a lot of research into what goes into breeding and then when I really learned how much work went into it, I decided against it, I thought I was being a responsible dog owner by doing weeks worth of research to make the best decision for our family and I did make the right one, she will be getting spayed in 2 months since we have to wait 8 weeks and then do a number of tests and vaccines first as well.