Excessive panting and whining

@tekela I would crate them in separate rooms, rotate which room you are in so they don't feel totally isolated. It would not be unusual for him to stop eating totally for days. And some males with get pretty destructive trying to get to the girls. Normal hollow house doors are not much for stopping a determined male.

Your main worry is going to be sleeping, that will the time he will be able to break out of where ever and get to her.

It is possible to keep them under control but they are annoying as hell. Your first time or two trying will probably fail. And once the whining stops the howling can start, that was the part that drove me crazy.
@home4good Unfortunately we only have one crate currently, but I can ask my MIL for her extra one. The whining just started a little last night but this morning and the whole day has been awful. Neither one of them are very vocal dogs, unless someone’s at the door and he does whine to go out but that’s about it. I thought he was hurt or sick but when I checked every part of him he was totally fine so I figured it might have something to do with my girl. I’ve kept him locked in his crate for the last week at night to ensure we don’t have any slip ups since I can’t be awake 24/7. But when he’s sleeping he’s fine.

He does also have bad separation anxiety with her we got him earlier then we thought from an unknown puppymill (ill never make that mistake again I swear) so trying to keep them in separate rooms is a challenge, he’s been okay as long as he’s in the crate and he can see her
@tekela Keep the boy in the crate, lock the girl in a separate room when you take the boy out for short mommy time and to go outside. He has no clue how much time he is in there, he says it is forever but he will survive until they can play again. It may actually work better to keep her in a separate room and stay in the room with him in the crate. He will probably still whine but you can see him as you cuss him for it :)

I cuss my breeder every time I have to babysit one of the girls in heat, total nightmare and no peace.
@tekela Always. Always. Keep 1 crate per dog. And then maybe an extra. Even if they are just wire crates and you keep the ones that you do not use folded up. In an emergency (not dissimilar to this), you will need it and you will not have it. Natural disasters or extreme weather, evacuation, work on your house, pest control, quarantining the dogs, postmedical care or crate rest, etc. Buy another crate.
@tekela You need to keep them separate for at least two months after her heat is finished. If you can’t get her fixed before then. They will connect when you think she is done and sixty days or so later you’ll have a litter.

Trust me, I know.
@kijani Dogs aren’t able to reproduce for two or three months. They cycle for typically 3-4 weeks and only able to reproduce for about 10 days though they typically don’t mount until the most fertile time. It’s possible some might be receptive the whole cycle but I’ve never seen it in 20 years. She isn’t going to let him mount when she’s not in heat and he’s not going to try. You’re way off on your timing or you just don’t when it started and ended. They’ve got a good plan to fix her asap.
@kijani I didn’t know that, normally after she’s done he leaves her alone, I’ll definitely keep my eyes out now that I know that! Thank you
@tekela Yep, they ignored each other and we still had them separate for a weeks after. Seemed okay. They jumped the fence and next thing we knew she was pregnant. She didn’t show until the very end and by then it was too late. I would err on the side of caution. I didn’t know they could still mate for weeks after her heat was “over”.
@kijani This is not true. Females are only fertile for a short time after ovulation. It sounds like your female came in season later than you suspected or her progesterone levels were slow to rise. Most females will only stand for a male while they are fertile and not during the entire heat cycle.
@tekela Your males behavior is escalating because your female is close to being fertile. As she gets closer to ovulation your males behavior will only get worse. Having them in such close proximity is driving him batty. I would highly suggest finding a boarding facility for everyone sanity. Also speak with your vet on when they recommend spaying her after her heat cycle. After they have been in season there is still increased blood flow to the uterus that can complicate the surgery.
@drsharles I spoke with the vet a few days ago and the require a waiting period of at least 8 weeks, and then we have to do some heartworm testing, distemper vax again and kennel cough vax again as well. Thank you for being so kind and nonjudgmental honestly. I came in here for a simple question and I got a lot of negative responses unfortunately.
@tekela I have intact males and females and am beyond lucky to have a good friend with a boarding facility five minutes from my house. Lots of times I will take my boys over there when the girls are in season just to give them a break from the hormones! Some boys handle it better than others! I've known boys in the past that will totally stop eating and loose all sense of intelligence when they are anywhere close to a female in season! It sounds like you have a perfect plan with your vet and are in good hands!
@tekela The whining is normal, but if you aren't keeping them completly seperate at all times, you're going to end up with an unwanted litter. You cannot break them apart once they have tied and it can happen in a split second. Last time we took one of our girls to see the stud we hire, they were tied within 10seconds. We didn't even make it to the gate, he jumped over and they did the deed. You need to keep him crated in a completly different room.
And a nappy won't stop them tieing. My male is not intact, so he can't actually impregnate them, but he will still tie with my bitches even with their nappy on, while they're in heat.