Excessive panting and whining


New member
Hey everyone,

I am not a breeder but I wanted to ask a question. I have 2 purebred GSDs 3yo F 1yo M my female is in her heat cycle and my male is still intact to ensure he can reach his full growth. He has started panting and whining a lot, and I’ve never seen him to it during her last heat cycle but he was only 6 months old then, google says it’s normal but I wanted to see if anyone could tell me it is completely normal and for me to stop freaking out lol.

We were going to breed but decided that we wouldn’t be able to financially support our two along with the other puppies they might have, this was just recently decided and then she went into heat. She’s nearing the end of it and I’m hoping in a few days it will be done.

He also has never been able to mount from the back and always goes to her face so I’m not too worried about anything happening and since they’re both always next to me I don’t have to worry much.

Any advise would be great!
@tekela You NEED to keep them separate. Like at all times. Even of you think its “not possible” it absolutely is. Spay your female if shes not breeding.
@skyblue77 This. OP—you’re going to end up with an accidental litter. Keep them separate. If they’re in the same room one or both should be crated even if you’re with them.
@recuerdo He has been in his crate most of the day too, unfortunately it’s tough to keep them super separate since it’s just me during the day until my husband gets home. She doesn’t use a crate anymore but he still sleeps in his and I have been locking him in at night for the week and a half. I’m just not sure how long the cycle lasts, her last two have been about 10-15 days and we’re almost at 15 days
@tekela If it’s possible, please keep them separated by at least two doors at all times. Dogs have been known to bust out of crates in situations like this.
@sookie1953 I’m definitely keeping a close eye and thankfully his crate is right next to my bed and if he tries to get out I will be able to hear it very clear lol. But I’ll have my husband with me tomorrow to help keep them apart too
@skyblue77 She will be getting spayed in a few weeks, we were advised to make sure we have extra savings in case anything goes wrong. I know once she’s out of this cycle we will have a little time to get that cushion.

As much as we wanted to see what their pups would look like these two give me a run for my money as it is and I wouldn’t be able to take care of a whole litter on top of them and the cost is too much for us right now.
@tekela Just a heads up- If they end up tying, you can still get her spayed. It's referred to as a spay-abort and it's absolutely possible for a dog that's a few weeks along.

That being said, do your best to keep them totally separated until she's out of heat!
@jasenismyname Definitely will be doing that! He’s been pretty quite the last hour he’s been in his crate, as long as he can see her it does help a bit too, but I now have her back in her diaper since she started bleeding again which is also helping mask the scent I feel.
@beftev Unfortunately not, he’s too high energy to be left with someone, especially someone who might not be used to his energy level, so for now I’ll be keeping him crated and taking them outside one at a time
@tekela Separate them.

My intact male tries to break down/eat thru doors when my bitch is in heat. At the peak he stops eating. They are in separate ends of the house.

You really want to assume he will never figure it out??
@imalamb I would never assume he wouldn’t figure it out, but they are with me at all times literally. I physically can’t get up without both of them on my heels, and especially over the last two days I’ve been keeping an eye on them no matter what, thankfully he’s not being super crazy but he is just laying next to her constantly. I just got worried because I’ve never seen or heard him whine so much I thought something was wrong, but I thought I could come to this sub and see if it was a thing instead of just assuming google was right. We will be getting her fixed in a few weeks when we have the extra money in savings in case anything goes wrong. Thank you for answering though I appreciate it!!
@tekela Consider yourself lucky. My male drives me insane. I wish it were just some whining he screams, he yells, he tries to dig out of his crate…it’s about 2 weeks of total madness with mild madness on either side.

I’m not at all shaming you for having intact dogs, I also have intact dogs. I go to extreme lengths to ensure the bitch never gets bred. That’s not why my dogs are intact. I absolutely will shame any sort of BYB however 😬
@b%E1%BA%A1ch4506 One of my contracts states dog will be kept intact at least until growth plates are closed etc.

For the health and longevity of the dog would be the overwhelming reason.

We spay/neuter because we have an excess of dogs, not because it’s what is best for the dog.
@imalamb I understand keeping a dog intact until they are done growing, but for the rest of their life? Sterilizing removes the risk of reproductive cancers and as far as I've been told, increases the animal's lifespan, not decreases it. Do you have a source you can share?
@imalamb We were originally waiting for her to be fully grown and she stopped growing at 65 lbs, she was the runt of the litter so now she’s fully grown, our boy however just turned 1 and is at 92 lbs and his parents were both over 110 lbs so we’re waiting for him to be fully grown as well.

I have read that fixing a female too late can cause some issues, do you know or have any experience with fixing a girl after 3 heat cycles?
@b%E1%BA%A1ch4506 We were doing a lot of research to see if we wanted to breed them and we agreed that we would decide before her next cycle, we decided against it and a few days later her cycle started, so it was just unfortunate timing. She will be getting fixed in a few weeks though
@imalamb Once I looked up everything I could about breeding I decided it wasn’t for me, I don’t want to be responsible for any kind of sick pup that may come back, I know it takes a lot of knowledge to do it right & as much as I would love to have puppies running around the house I wouldn’t be able to give them the proper care.

This is the first cycle that he’s done this, he hasn’t tried to get out of his crate or into a blocked off room which is nice, but the whining is like nails on a chalk board lol