Entitled dog walkers

@citywolf Your sister did a good job. Most of the time trying to reason or argue with people like that doesn’t work. I’ve found saying “oh we’re working on training” or pretending I couldn’t hear/understand em and just continuing on work faster at getting out of the situation
@citywolf My dogs are leash reactive so I usually do my best to avoid other dogs during walks. I crossed the street to avoid two small dogs and their owner crossed with me. I crossed back and they crossed back. I was like, "Screw it. Let's just do this" and tightened my grasp on my leashes while their little trio approached.

The man started accusing me of racism but then my dogs lost their puppy minds and began lunging and barking at his dogs. One of his got free and ran across the road so, while he chased it, I yelled, "Sorry, they're reactive!"

I saw him a few weeks later and he crossed the street to avoid me.
@citywolf Dogism

I hate this so much that I kind of love it. I want to see how fast my buddy would smack me if I tell her, “At least you don’t have to deal with dogism. That’s the real struggle.”

Also… Not going to lie, I always kind of enjoyed it as a kid when I walked with one of my aunt’s big dogs and people moved out of our way. I liked to think I was the badass even though I was, like, 14.
@citywolf Wow...what is wrong with that lady? I have a Cane Corso and a Cane Corso/Neopolitan mix. When we take walks or take our dogs out to public spaces, I'm more likely to cross the street to avoid other dogs. I get irritated at the "it's okay, my dog's friendly" people who stop in the middle of the path. I acknowledge that I have large dogs. They are friendly and love kiddos & cats, however if there's ever an incident with a stranger dog, they will take a brunt of the blame because of their size.
@citywolf First of all: is that lady kidding me? I love when people cross the street to let me and my American Bully pass. A whole sidewalk! Just for us! That’s a royal treatment if I’ve ever seen one. We parting the sea like Moses over here.

Second of all, people are nuts. I understand it’s easier said than done, but I’d suggest your sister to just laugh it off.
@star440 Exactly! Last thing we need is to get tangled leads and all. I’d rather not pass someone on a sidewalk without a dog let alone with one.
@citywolf My dog could fit into a cane corso’s mouth. Plus if I see any dog pulling on a leash with an owner unable to control them I get my dog out of the way whether it’s a cane corso or a golden retriever or a Yorkshire terrier.
@citywolf lol, I always cross or step off the path as much as possible, even turn around if I see someone else coming with a dog. I don't know their dog, they don't know my dog, why risk anything? Maybe their dog is reactive and I just made their life a little easier by getting out of the way. Or maybe my dog has a naughty moment and makes a training mistake that gets reinforced when she plays with random dog. I think it's more rude to not cross when you see another dog coming. Some people just want to pick a fight.
@citywolf That actually made me laugh out loud lol wtf.

Her comment tells me your sister was exactly right to cross the road, because a responsible owner would know and understand the higher risk of aggression in the breed, along with the inherent risk of simply walking by a large dog you don't know. I don't think cane corsos (or pitbulls, or staffies, etc) are bad dogs, nor do I think it's bad to own one. However - denying reality helps no one. Good owners understand the breed characteristics and manage the dog accordingly.
@citywolf I bet you the cane corso woman was white. No one with a clue about actual racism would say such a stupid thing. I'd have been livid never mind about the dogs, someone crossing the road is the same as the systematic abuse of whole populations? Get a grip. well done on your sis for staying calm
@citywolf I always give other dog owners (and even people without dogs) space when walking my dog, regardless of breed or how the dog is behaving. It's just common courtesy.
@citywolf I’m not a Corso fan. I lived in San Francisco when 2 of them, on a leash, mauled a woman to death as she was try in to get on an elevator in her building. So yes, dog walker lady, I’m not a fan of your breed getting too close to me and my dog.