eCollars Save Lives

@netsail007 I don’t find it funny, but I also don’t understand how someone using outdated nonsense is a representation of balanced trainers. I don’t know of any reputable balanced trainers that do these things?

Do you agree or disagree that we should exhaust all training avenues before euthanizing a dog for behavioural issues? Yes or no?

My dog wears an e collar while out, and he cannot escape my house or break through thresholds in my house, yes. He also knows that disobeying a recall has serious consequences.

The fact that Gellman is your idea of a representation of a balanced trainer makes me laugh.

You could have chosen from any great trainers like Michael Ellis, Tyler Muto, Larry Krohn, Florian Knabl, Bart Bellon, or Ted Efthymiadis, but you instead went for the trainer version more comparable to someone like Zak George

That would be like me using Zak George or some other puppy training treat funneller as a representation of FF training instead of someone like Dr, Sophia Yin

An e collar could stop your dog from chasing down coyotes. If it can stop countless hounds from chasing down cougars, deer, and bear, I can assure you that your coyote-chasing-dog would understand an e collar
I don’t find it funny, but I also don’t understand how someone using outdated nonsense is a representation of balanced trainers. I don’t know of any reputable balanced trainers that do these things?

And reputable force free trainers don't have dogs ignoring recalls to run into traffic. This is my point. You have a standard for force free trainers that you're not applying to balanced trainers. A balanced trainer abusing a dog is outdated nonsense in the same way that a force free trainer unable to train a recall is.

My dog wears an e collar while out, and he cannot escape my house or break through thresholds in my house, yes. He also knows that disobeying a recall has serious consequences.

Your example of what happens when training fails can also be flipped to this. What happens when your system of management and training fails? I'm not arguing that no dog ever blows off a recall, I'm saying that yes, dogs can blow off recall and yes, dogs can run through a ecollar.

The fact that Gellman is your idea of a representation of a balanced trainer makes me laugh.

I didn't say he's a good representation, I said he applies high level corrections and yet even he knows a dog can run through them. Trainers who believe no dog can ever run through a correction are either ignoring reality or just lying.

An e collar could stop your dog from chasing down coyotes. If it can stop countless hounds from chasing down cougars, deer, and bear, I can assure you that your coyote-chasing-dog would understand an e collar

I didn't say my dog chases coyotes, I said it's what he was bred to do. Somehow my force free training has stopped him from doing so. You're ignoring my point that dogs will run through pain. Again, an ecollar is not magic. It's a tool, and like any other training system it can fail.
@unlitmikey After teaching my dog all the commands and going on many many many walks around my neighborhood on the leash, and having to chase my dog whenever she would bilt out of the yard when I was trying to train her off leash, the e collar really honed in her obedience off leash. After a few months with the e collar, we can go on walks around the block with no leash and if she sees something that would normally excite her, I just have to give her a few verbal reminders to bring her back down to me. When I send my dog out to pee half the time I dont even use the collar anymore and she still follows commands.
@unlitmikey Agreed it Saves LIVEs!!
What privilege ideas some have thinking everyone can afford the time and money for positive only training behavior modification with a professional
I’ve seen people rather put a dog down then put it through a long behavior modification why? Time and Money. I’ve seen people considering giving up their dogs who live in low income housing or small private houses because the dog wouldn’t stop barking in there building the E collar Bark Collar saved the situation. I’ve seen the power of a wonderful tool
that can give the handler peace when giving th dog freedom to be a dog.
Through handling errors of people
I have also seen dogs accidentally strangled, by leashes, die from dehydration, crated for cruel amount of hours, abusively, overfed to dangerous overweight..etc. what else would be banned??
banning e-collars may only be the beginning before certain breed are deemed to dangerous and they are banned!