Dogs not getting along


New member
In March of this year, I adopted my dog at 2 months old. She was rescued from a dog hoarding situation and had some health issues when she was first seized. She is reactive on leash but does really well playing with dogs at her daycare.

I visit my parents almost every weekend and they have a dog that is also reactive, but they played well with each other. She has been very patient with my puppy and lets her play and nip at her. They’ve played together the past 3 ish months on the weekends. I will call my dog M (8 months old) and their dog C (4 years old)

My puppy has some resource guarding. When at my parents house, the two dogs eat their meals in their kennel but I leave M in the kennel for a little while after eating so she digests properly. If C goes near M’s kennel, she goes crazy. The first time we had an issue was two weeks ago when they both stuck their heads in the freezer to sniff while I was getting stuff out and my puppy freaked out at the other one. I separated them immediately. So I understand they shouldn’t be around each other where there may be food (the fridge or the pantry). I think the resource guarding is from her coming from the dog hoarding situation so I never punish her for it, I just try to make her feel safe. She does not resource guard with me.

They both bark at the fence when neighbors dogs are outside so we try to avoid them being out when the neighbors are. Last weekend we came and I let the M out first because I didn’t see any of the neighbors dogs. She didn’t run to the fence so I assumed there weren’t other dogs out and I let C out who immediately sprinted to the fence and it turned out that the neighbor dog was actually out there. C started barking like crazy. M followed her and was barking at the same spot of the fence to which C barked at M which made her mad and she bit my parents’ dog.

I took M away by her collar and put her in the kennel. That same day, they fought over a stick chew. They usually get their own sticks but if they fixate on one stick, they used to be good at playing together and switching who chews on it. This time when M freaked out at C, I found them both under a table when it happened. I think this time was because they may have been overwhelmed at the lack of space maybe?? Then a while later, my puppy wanted to play with C, who was too tired and she warning barked at her to make her stop trying to play which set M off, and they got in another fight.

Today I just came back and they were pretty chill with each other for a couple hours but when they both got some energy, I leashed my puppy, just in case. They were playing a little and when I felt it was a little too much, I would stop them and feed them treats. The thing is, this time it felt like M was doing okay but C has been trying to hump her like crazy which is making M mad (For context, C has tried to hump M before every now and then). M has always disliked it, she would get away from C or someone would stop C. But tonight,C has been trying to hump so much and would still hump the air after they are separated. I have been following M around walking her on her leash because I am so scared of them fighting and M hurting C.

I just can’t imagine doing this every weekend and wish they would be at least civil with each other. I told my dog trainer and she said we will work on something for it at our next session but that is in two days but I have been so stressed so I am wondering if anyone has advice? Thank you
@ashellie Given your dog's age I suspect she is growing out of her puppy temperament and developing more mature thoughts and opinions about things like sharing toys and space with the visiting dog. Likely both dogs need more structure around the house so they aren't left to make their own decisions. I wouldn't let them out in the yard together since it sounds like your pup redirected once and is likely to in the future. In the house they can be separated with baby gates, take turns crating one or the other, and generally keep them out of each other's space.

What type of dogs and how large they are is going to be a big factor in what type of management you use here. If both dogs are female toy poodles, it's going to look very different than if C is a female toy poodle and M is a female German shepherd.

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