Dog poop


New member
Hi there I rescued a 3 year old wiemarana who we believe is crossed with a lab he’s a gentle giant obviously given his size he poos like a hell of a lot.

but my problem is he was pooing on a night in the living room so we decided to close the door and not let him in when we are not there he now has decided to poop upstairs in the child’s bedroom he did it 5 days ago and again last night.

does anyone have any advice of how I can stop him pooping in the house we have tried setting his food out early and taking him on a big walk at 8/9 o’clock at night we have set alarms to wake up at midnight 1 in the morning. How can I stop him pooping in the house

he has done it we have told him off and took him outside and shut the door it’s like he semi listens and says I can’t poop there and gets another place to poop.

but I don’t know how to stop him pooping in the house even if we left the back door open all night I think he would still poop inside.

Obviously with him been rescue we don’t know what he’s been through in the past alls we where told is his previous owner died and was a drunk and he was locked away for 3 weeks.

He is still all intact at the moment but we are thinking of getting him done.
@coolguy123 I'd get a doggy gate and confine him to an area personally . Weims are anxious dogs on a calm day, so I wouldn't be shocked if he was working himself into a poo , especially if he tends to pace a lot . I'd definitely get him neutered for all the reasons, but with this situation specifically, if there's an inheat female within a mile or 2 it'll add to his frustration/ anxiety/ demeanor- how ever you want to look at it.
@coolguy123 If hes anxious maybe keep him in your bedroom at night? You will also hear if he starts moving around. Might be as easy as he just needs to feel more secure. Not sure neutering will do anything for this situation.
@coolguy123 Given his history, he might not actually be toilet trained, I'd recommend looking up how to toilet train an adult dog and start from there. Focus on positive reinforcement too, it gets the best out of dogs.

If toilet training doesn't work (and bear in mind, it may take months to train an adult), I'd take him to the vet to check out if he has a physical reason why he can't control where he defecates.