dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?


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What's the deal with these people wanting same day or next day appointments? And then they get upset and threaten to find another groomer because we offer a next week appointment. Always excuses like I'm going out of town, I have an event and need him groomed now, I have family coming and want him clean. Entitled too much? Not my freaking fault for your poor planning. Are we the only one dealing with this BS? We're mobile if that makes a difference.
@aspiller1998 The entitlement of people is tooooo real now a days.

I had a lady yesterday morning text me at 730am to get her “dog in TODAY”.

I do not text clients earlier than 9am UNLESS it’s a situation like, me or a family member having a medical emergency or them texting to cancel their appt because of a medical/family emergency.

So I text her back at 9am to ask what breed of dog/size and what services she was looking for, and 20min go by, she finally responds with “This just isn’t going to work. You took too long to answer me and I decided to book her with someone else due to your carelessness and lack of professionalism when it comes to your job.”

I respond back with “I’m sorry you feel that way, and good luck. Have an amazing day!”.

She quickly replies with “You’re a condescending asshole and I’m only up here from Florida for three days. You expecting me to wait THREE WEEKS for an appt (she checked my online availability - where it says “current rabies paperwork must be provided for services”) is ABSURD. Not to mention DEMANDING rabies paperwork?! I’m from FLORIDA! Of course I didn’t bring it!”… I leave her on read and go about my business.

1230pm rolls around and I get FIVE new texts from her AND A VOICEMAIL, with her APOLOGIZING for being an asshat to me…

Turns out, I was recommended to her by FOUR of her family members who are my regulars (every 5-6 weeks) and after SHE SHOWED THEM our conversation, they went off on her.

Then I get apology texts from said family members about her attitude and them asking me “are we still good?”. Of course we are, everyone has a crazy person in their family… if mine (they’re all pretty crazy, entitled and selfish) were held against me, idk what I would do.
@smaxiner I absolutely loved them before telling her off, but now I’m like, “how can I show my appreciation?”. Guess who’s dogs are getting free spa upgrades next visit!
@knr80 I work in a vet clinic, and the amount of people who come in and get upset that we recommend a booster in 3-4 weeks is insane. Literally all because they wait until the absolute last minute to get their dog or cat to the vet. "Well, [Fluffy] is going to be boarded tomorrow, I need it now!" "I'm jumping on a plane in the morning tomorrow, so I can't give these meds tomorrow."

We had one lady who was upset that we "weren't clear on what vaccines her dog needed and when she needed them because she's a first time pet owner." I'd have sympathy for her if that wasn't bs. I know the vet and myself both went over what she'll need to do next, she gets email reminders, AND she gets a handout with it stating her pup will need a booster in 3-4 weeks. She tried to complain to my vet and my vet said, after explaining it to her for the third or fourth time, that we do all of this and spend this money on our pets because we love them. She deadass said "Well, not if it costs so much." Of course, a doodle owner too. And keep in mind, this was just for core vaccines DAPP, rabies, etc. We weren't trying to get her to buy anything but the core stuff, the stuff the vet recommends every dog in our area should get to get maximum protection.

Like, I'm all for educating people on their pet's health and answering questions, but some people, man. I see why the vet field as a whole is struggling to find people who want to work. Yeah, seeing puppies and kittens and other dogs and cats is adorable, but dealing with the owners is the worst. I don't get paid enough to deal with entitled assholes getting upset that I or my vet will refuse to budge on recommendations. And keep in mind, our vet will make exceptions if he needs to. Like, sorry, I'm not going to give you a three year rabies just because you WANT that vaccine. I'm following my vet's recommendation and you only get the one year this year. It's not my problem you're late on getting those vaccines updated.

I love who I work with and love seeing the cute animals, but I want out. Dealing with the assholes is tiring.
@drmoses OMG! When I worked (my job description was “groomer” but I was forced to do more, unpaid… 😑) at a boarding/daycare facility and manned the phones and “intake” paperwork… CONSTANTLY did I have people scream at me over the phone because “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY NEED THE DISTEMPER, KENNEL COUGH, LYME AND RABIES VACCINES?!? MY DOG IS AN INDOOR ONLY DOG! THEY NEED NONE OF THAT!”…. Well then, you cannot board, do daycare OR come for grooming as it’s a requirement for the facility. “MAKE AN EXCEPTION”, no exceptions, “YOURE AWFUL! YOU RUINED MY VACATION!”.

I didn’t, you had weeks to get this done, we told you multiple times… you said “they’ll have all the shots needed”. It’s on you bruh.

The whole “you’re a cash grab” thing always got me too!

It’s for everyone’s, person/staff and pets health!

Like yeah there’s a reason it’s called “kennel cough”…. 😂

You’re so right! Some people do not want to learn, or even listen… but they’ll agree, refuse and then act like we’re the bad guys for having policies for their pets well being. Blows my mind!
@knr80 The amount of people who come in saying "I need Bordetella" and when I ask about distemper, rabies, or canine influenza (that's going around in my area), they get upset and all pissy towards me. Like, I'm trying to make it only one trip; I don't want you to go board your dog and then it's the whole "sorry, but we require all vaccines" or whatever.

See, I understand the concern for an elderly dog getting more than the required rabies. It's a lot on an old system and who knows how much longer they've got. Our vet will usually be considerate about that and make recommendations on a case-by-case basis.

We had a guy come in to get his dog some vaccines because he was going to have his dog do that train and stay thing (sent off to a trainer for months). Well, he never came in for second or third round of shots, and he never went anywhere else. He got all pissy when I said "because you didn't get those second or third round of shots, you'll need a booster in 3-4 weeks." "He'll be at training for 3-4 weeks." "Okay, but you still will need a booster to have that immunity and to be good for a year on paperwork." "Well... He'll still be at boarding." End of the day, it's not my problem that his dog won't be protected. I just know I'd keep my animals away from him.
@drmoses This is why my dogs and now cat are vaccinated for everything, just so they’re protected, covered and everything is good.

You aren’t trying to waste anyone’s time, you’re a medical professional, you know what you’re talking about.

They themselves are fully to blame for the wasted time, rejection from a facility and if their pet gets sick? That’s on them too for not providing adequate health care.

I can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t want to protect their pet, and I get money is tight, but for me, my pets are legitimately first in my book. They’re my kids, and I want what’s best for them at all times.

It’s not crazy to educate yourself and do right by your pets… it’s actually the owner’s responsibility lol…
@knr80 It’s so awesome when someone behaves poorly and gets chewed out by their family on your behalf 😂 I had a Bichon client I groomed at a big box for her first groom, then my home, then my shop once I opened it; basically all her life. The owners were an elderly couple that were the most adorable people ever, the wife especially was the stereotype of a kindly, sweet grandma. She referred her grand nephew who had just gotten a Bichon. The moment I meant him I was… concerned. I grew up in a shady trailer park, I know addicts when I see them. When he came for pickup I had my pepper spray in my front smock pocket but it went much smoother than anticipated. He booked out for 4 weeks. I did reminder calls and left a message but he no showed. Called back in 2 weeks with a sob story about why he missed the appointment and practically begged for another- if it weren’t for his relationship to that couple I never would have booked it. Of course, no show again. 3 days after that was Maizie’s monthly groom and her mom asked about the nephew- I worded it very diplomatically but she was HOT! She said, “If he calls back again, I want you to tell him to go jump in a lake! And tell him I said so!” I was dying!
@kings9111 Dude! Absolutely! And my clients who had recommended me to her, wouldn’t even had known if she wasn’t like “I can’t believe you told me to go to her, she’s awful” or whatever she said to them.

Like she put herself on blast and confirmed that those people are truly as awesome as I believed them to be. I’m so grateful they stuck up for me, and my heart broke a little when they thought I might hold it against them.

I love when older clients are like “sweet grandma/grandpa” people! ❤️

I’m also glad you trusted your instincts on her grandnephew and that he simply just no showed instead of it becoming a confrontation.

The comment by grandma though! 😂 👏 Yes!
@knr80 It was really sweet that your clients thought you might hold it against them. I think it shows you’re a great groomer; I know a lot of groomers that basically only have clients when everyone else around is booked and they complain constantly about how no one takes care of their dogs or gets them groomed regularly. I never would say it, but my thought is always “Oh they take care of their dogs, that’s why they don’t go to you unless they don’t have any other choice.”

Maizie’s mom gave me another gem- there was one groom where they took her to the big box I had been fired from for her monthly groom, because they didn’t let them know I wasn’t there anymore. (After that she found my address from a Christmas card and contacted me- I know a lot of people who took numbers, and frankly I knew their number by heart, but I have an annoying integrity problem so I’ve never taken or used numbers upon leaving. I have a very distinctive name though, so it’s never been hard for people to find me.) So after like the 3rd groom of Maizie at my house, her mom tells me, “A girl from (big box) called me last night. She said they were calling to see how Maizie was. I told her she was doing wonderfully and thank you for calling. Click.” I pride myself on being “professional” but when she said “Click.” And mimed hanging up a phone I laughed so hard I couldn’t stand up straight. It was perfection!
@kings9111 That’s amazing! Maizie’s mom is gold and I love her! And seriously! Thank you so much for saying so. ❤️ I really try to do right by my clients and treat them and their pets like family.

I used to be “that groomer” who only dealt with neglect and abuse cases, with aggressive dogs, and I kind of made the “special case pets” my whole thing because of the experience.

I’m one of few groomers in the area who works with aggressive or severe anxiety cases, medical cases (heart murmurs, diabetes, epilepsy), older dogs and giant breeds (most places around here are kicking dogs out at 10 years old for small, and 8 years old for medium-large, and not even taking giant breeds anymore). Building the relationship with my clients and their pets, educating, even training has really helped me feel more proud of my career choice. I have clients who schedule for the WHOLE year and that still blows my mind.

I completely understand the “integrity” thoughts too. When I was working at Petco, a couple came in with their Akita puppy and I couldn’t help but run out of the salon to greet them (thankfully that was a day my coworker’s didn’t do reminder calls for LOL…) and Harvey’s pet parents were (still are) amazing people.

I started grooming him at 9 weeks old, he’s going to be 8 this year and they’ve followed me to multiple places. Not because I contacted them, but because they both knew I couldn’t tell them where and Facebook “stalked” (I do not add clients to fb, feels weird?) me to find where I had gone to. They didn’t use it against me at all and thought not being able to tell them due to legality issues (or the threat and fear of…) was the dumbest thing in the world.

Their claim (which I agree with, but again, fear of legal recourse) was, and still is, that they are not property of a business and they are allowed to follow me wherever I go.

One place I worked for (boarding/daycare facility) told my clients for MONTHS that I was still there after I quit. They kept telling them “she’s too busy to do check in/drop off, pick up, too busy to talk on the phone or schedule your appt for you”, their dogs were getting injured, haircuts looked awful and they started getting really weirded out and concerned.

Wasn’t until they messaged me and asked “why are you avoiding us? What is going on? This isn’t like you!” did it click in my head that they had been lied to.

So many clients left (some had really reassuring outbursts), I got threatened for “telling them”, which I didn’t… thankfully one of said clients is a lawyer and he proudly calls himself “the loophole lawyer”. He figured that legally they had no basis to their claims, there was no proof/evidence that I was actively stealing business or even trying to, and he managed to contact multiple clients for me (I didn’t ask, but he wanted to hear their side of the situation firsthand) and then contacted the business owner/previous boss claiming he could bring about harassment charges and other stuff. It was insane, and I have nearly all of my clients from that place even now because of him.

That place also stole photos of my grooms and used them and pictures of me to advertise their grooming services… they went through 8 groomers in the year after I left and they couldn’t hire anyone after the fact, so they’re still not providing grooming services other than exit baths.

Honestly, I think it’s all bs that we could be in legal trouble for doing right by our clients and building year long relationships that go even beyond “client”. When you’ve worked with a pet and a client that long, they’re more than just “the client”, they’re basically family at that point in my eyes. But some businesses just see dollar signs unfortunately.
@knr80 That place sounds awful! And I’m very curious if you signed any paperwork that would allow them to use photos of you in their advertisements. Your grooms, that would be hard to prove in court, but pictures of YOU, to advertise a service when you don’t even work there anymore- I might ask the lawyer about that one. They were more than happy to threaten legal action against you with absolutely no foundation- I would happily return the favor. But I have a tendency to go scorched earth when people attempt to bully me.

Maizie’s mom IS gold 🥰 and I would have jumped over the counter to get to an Akita puppy! I LOVE them, but a lot of groomers seem to have them on the same list as Chows where they outright refuse to do them or will only do them if muzzled. I don’t even know how many I’ve done and never had a hint of problem. I mean, they were bred to be guardians, so you have to respect that they might take a bit to warm up to you, but the dog I have now and my last one (she was the one that taught me that “soul dogs” were real- once my boy I have now passed, I won’t have any more dogs) were Australian Cattle Dogs and they’re very similar in nature.
@kings9111 I did not sign any paperwork that stated they could use photos of me, or my grooms, or my likeness. I kept copies of everything I signed, and when they argued that I did, they couldn’t provide their version of the truth.

A friend of mine was the one who told me that they were using my photos on their website (that was 6.5 months after I left) and found out because they had posted on Facebook and instagram that day.

I wanted nothing to do with them after I left, so I wasn’t “looking into them”. One of my lawyer clients told me to call and email them directly, stating they had no right, that I didn’t work there any more, and if all the pictures and “ads” containing my name, my face, and my grooms obviously taken at my new place weren’t taken down immediately (I gave them 24hrs to be kind) he would be in touch.

I was at work, same friend checked for me (she kinda loves drama like that and also worked at that place, hates it more than I did because as a daycare attendant she was treated absolutely horribly and laid off after a dog broke it’s leg jumping from the “playground” we all told the owner was dangerously too high) and she let me know every post she seen and the website were clear of any essence of me within 3hrs of calling/sending the email.

I waited until the next day, called back and thanked the owner, my former boss, for having everything cleared timely. She spouted some nonsense about “how it’s bs that you come after me when you are well aware I didn’t post anything and don’t even have access to those things”. I let her know as the business owner, she’s the liable party, and if she would have gotten her house in order, and listened to everyone’s complaints… maybe I wouldn’t have had to.

I’m not someone who likes confrontation tbh. I prefer to walk away, wash my hands and (not exactly though) “forget” and just move on. But multiple former coworkers and clients of that place did go “scorched earth” on them. Because of injuries suffered and sustained for them (coworkers) and pets (coworkers and clients). That place was so unsafe for multiple reasons (biggest probably being that they couldn’t hire seasoned industry professionals and started hiring barely 18yo’s without ANY experience at all.

Tbh I’m surprised the place is still standing now, but I imagine the owner realized she couldn’t hold staff and might have actually fixed at least some of the issues. But idk. I tell people to stay far away from there and through clients have built a “network” at other facilities that actually are safe, that I would trust with my dogs, cat and myself. But I’m tired of working for other people, so I’m just doing my own thing.

I hope we, and everyone can have an alliance of Maizie mom’s! ❤️ The world needs more people like her.

And yes! I legit flew out of the salon because AKITASSSSSSSS 😍😍😍, he’s the friendliest and softest (personality wise too!) Akita I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Chows though, idk. I haven’t groomed many, but I’ve seen and groomed a lot of “black tongue spot, I know he has chow in him). Personally, I don’t knock the dog (or cat) until I’ve had a chance to work on them. But I can understand the fear of not wanting to work on or with them, especially with how pet “parents” refuse proper training or education.

The way people feel about chows, is how I am brought to feel by nearly all GSDs that come in. But usually around the third visit, we’ve kind of bonded and they’ve picked up on what’s going on. There’s been a few that I had to turn away first visit and didn’t want to try again with because of their separation anxiety, lack of training, combined with their size (like 100lbs+) and aggression issues.

Like why do a lot of people with GSDs think it’s HILARIOUS to abuse their dogs with the garden hose, cause reactivity issues, and then when I almost get bit for even just picking up the hose in the tub… go “oh yeah, it’s really funny that they attack our garden hose all the time”. Like no dude, it’s not, it’s not okay, and you could have sent me to the hospital.
@knr80 Well, giving them 24 hours IS immediately in the court’s eyes; it’s not like someone can drop everything they’re doing and remove them within the hour, especially if someone else handles that for her. 3 hours is pretty good actually!

I don’t think of myself as a confrontational person unless someone brings a fight to me- others I know would describe me differently. I love country music, and Eric Church has a line in “Guys like me” that goes- I don’t like to fight but I’m not scared to bleed. That’s how I feel about it for the most part. But I have no trouble at all going nuclear when it comes to the safety of animals. They don’t have to be mine, some of them are anyway just someone else takes them home! (We joke that there’s a smallish area around the Rainbow Bridge that has been run exceedingly well since 2013, that my Trixie has found all the client dogs that I was attached to and has them herded up, with visitation if their owners get there before I do!)

Chows get a bad reputation because they bite “without warning”- they do give warnings, but I don’t know if it’s anatomical or psychological but their behavior isn’t the same as most dogs, and the warnings are different. (Same thing with Shar Peis, which makes me think it’s got to do with where both breeds came from.

I feel you with the German Shepherds! People are so ridiculously stupid sometimes! I had one that they named Karma and I was told “Don’t be nice to her or pet her or anything, we want her to be a guard dog and not like people.” I think I deserve an Oscar for just stopping my eyes from rolling. (It was pretty hard to do.) Of course as soon as they cleared the threshold I went about treating her like any other dog. Fast forward 8 months- “You’re the only person she hasn’t bit. The vet won’t even see her unless we muzzle her first, and she bites us.” You can imagine my utter shock. I have always babied the crap out of my dogs and every one of them would have attacked anyone who tried to hurt me. I had an English Setter (which are one of the most laid back creatures on Earth) that would try to be between my mother and me at all times and if she couldn’t get there would use her “big dog bark” to tell her “Get away!”

My Trixie was with me when I got a knock on the door at a time when there was a ring of people doing home invasions and scoping the places out first offering carpet cleaning estimates. When I was 3 feet from the door she let out one of those really low, deep growls so I answered the door with a Louisville Slugger in the hand the woman couldn’t see. And immediately knew we were in for a game- this woman was literally 3 inches from my face. (Because they want you to step back- I had a male friend over at the time and he was so confused as to why I let her stand so close. I love that boy to death but I don’t know how he survives going to Miami and Tampa every year and not getting mugged or worse- I don’t even know how it hasn’t happened here in our hometown!) People expect an automatic step back, and she was confused too- even more so when she tried to take a step “closer” and I still didn’t move. The second time she tried that she glanced down to where I had put Trixie in a sit and she went WHITE. I normally would never look away, but she looked so scared. So I looked at Trixie and honestly I was a little scared! She didn’t have just her hackles up. It was like she made ALL of her hair puff out, so she looked like she tripled in size from when I told her to sit. She also had her head dropped almost to the floor, but was looking straight up at that woman, practically radiating “You say the word, I’ll rip her apart.” She had her Canine Good Citizenship award from the AKC, and I’d trained her in everything from obedience to “doggy dancing” and agility, but we didn’t actually have a “kill” command so I was a little concerned I might give it by accident. The woman left very quickly after that and I’m pretty sure our house got marked “Just don’t. 2 bitches live there.” Trixie got her “extra special good girl” treats that day.

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