dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

@david1965 Yes, this is hilarious! We had a lady requesting a same day appointment (let's say Monday, don't remember exactly), told her someone canceled for like Friday, if she wanted to take that spot, never responded... Friday early in the morning she texted back saying she was going to take the spot. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sorry ma'am, spot is taken, next available is X day, hear nothing from her for days... What she does next, text back X day saying she wants appointment at X hour. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
@aspiller1998 Urgh I hate those. You tell them I have Friday at 11. They don't answer. Then 2 days later say I'll take it. It's like no now the earliest is next week Wednesday. And then they get mad. "you booked the spot in 2 days?" No ma'am I booked it literally an hour after I didn't get any response from you.
@stanley_4 Jesus there are sometimes when I'm booking an appointment just for an online to swoop in before I can enter in someone's phone number. It's ruthless out there.
@david1965 My favorite one star review was a lady claiming that we could never fit her dog in for an appointment. But every single week she would call on a Friday and demand a spot for Friday or Saturday. Every single week we would tell her that we were booked out 3 to 6 weeks. And every week she would tell us she’d call next week to make an appointment. I don’t know what was between her ears, but it definitely wasn’t a brain.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Same for me. Our groomer is booked 2-3 weeks in advance. And they’re busy grooming so I hate to call just to schedule her regular appointment that I know will be 4 weeks after the last one. It makes my life easier and the groomer’s life easier to just schedule the next one right then.
@adam12345 I’m a little lucky in that my dog only needs a face trim every 6 weeks to avoid looking like master splinter and a full bath. My parents went through hell having to constantly take their goldendoodle in
@imagebeastmarkbeast I have a Bouvier and I like keeping her more fluffy so regular baths and haircuts help. Plus she’s 80 pounds and I have back problems so bathing her myself isn’t a great option. I think groomers are some of the most amazing people and I make sure mine know how much I appreciate them because owning a dog would be much harder for me without them!
@aspiller1998 I work at a vet clinic, but I can still completely relate.

“It’s an emergency, he’s boarding tomorrow and needs his vaccines! Can you squeeze him in today??”

“Do you have any appointments for today or tomorrow?”

My therapist told me that not only do people have a sense of entitlement, but instant gratification is very easy to obtain these days, so people just expect to get what they want right away all the time. And people get pissed and ask to speak to the manager if we don’t have appointments immediately. I’m sorry, we’re booked, you should have called last week.

My favorite was when one lady got mad because she wanted a same day appointment for her new puppy she brought from a puppy store, and when I told her we were booked for the day, she said “You don’t have anything at all?? I took the whole day off of work so I could take him to the vet!” How is that my fault? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
@ggirl1986 I own a pet supply store that’s next to a vet. I cannot believe the number of people that go out and buy a dog on a whim, then come to me because they need EVERYTHING that a dog requires, get mad at how much it costs, then ask me if the vet next door can fit them in today or tomorrow because the puppy mill they bought the dog from said the dog should be seen by a vet within 3 days. Do people really wake up and say, “I’m going to buy a dog today!” with zero preparation??
@jorb2 I gotta say, occasionally I get the prepared person who says “I’m going to pick up my puppy in a few days and I’d like to schedule an appointment” and they ask all the questions about food, vaccine schedule, etc. But yeah, most people just wake up one day and then go buy a dog and demand to have everything done the same day
@ggirl1986 I was trying to buy pet insurance for my puppy when he was four weeks old and still with the breeder! They were like, “He has to be eight weeks at least.” I said I was cool with that, but can I buy it now?! I was too prepared! (They did not let me buy it ahead of time.)
@jorb2 It's really hard to think logically when there are cute dogs and even harder if there are cute dogs and salesmen. I went to my local rescue just do a meet and greet and maybe reserve a dog. I got the hard sell and came out with a skinny, shaking,18 month old pup and a few basic supplies from the rescue center shop.

Fortunately this did not turn me into a raging AH. The receptionists at my vet are lovely and managed to squeeze us in for a checkup and vaccinations within a few days. I think it would have been longer if I hadn't called them for adoption advice and ended up being registered with the practice the week before getting my dog.

TLDR: I did get a dog on a whim and with close to zero prep and I regret nothing.
@ggirl1986 Oh my god this! All of this!!! Or the people who want to bring their pet(s) with them traveling somewhere and so they need a health certificate. I'd ask when they're leaving and So. Many. Times. I'd get the response of, "Tomorrow afternoon!" Or "This Saturday!" (While calling mid to near end of day on a Wednesday or Thursday, never fails.)

Then they get all pissed off when I'd tell them our ONE doctor certified to do health certificates was booked out for a week+. As if I personally just ruined their plans. Like, bruh, you've had this venture planned for HOW LONG NOW? And you suddenly decide that TWO FUCKIN DAYS prior to your trip is a great time to start looking into getting the papers your pet needs, by law, to travel to said destination?! Sounds like a you problem.
@aspiller1998 What encouraged me to seek training to become a cat groomer: calling all 4 cat groomers in the Portland area and being told that all of them are booked six months solid and not taking any new clients... after I joked about needing to learn the trade, one of them answered "PLEASE if you do let me know I need those cats to go somewhere!"
@roseprince What’s the training like for cat grooming, if you don’t mind me asking? Is it a school or like a corporate thing? It seems like you’d need some pretty solid skills to bathe a cat that’s unfamiliar with you lol

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