dO yOu hAvE OpEnInG fOr fLuFfy tOdAy oR tOmOrRoW?

@loveisthelaw99 I absolutely feel you on that. I can only judge people based on their actions, and they are not in control of someone else’s actions.

Plus, if I couldn’t see Charlie, Sammy, Nova, Luna, Sassy (cat) and Sugar I would be really upset. They’re all great and have the ability to brighten my day even if there’s a “poop party” from new clients lack of taking their dogs out before drop off. 😂

Plus, on days when it’s just them (“family day!”) I can listen to metal and they’re more than happy about that!
@aspiller1998 My fave is when we get calls at 6pm asking for today… I know some PS salons are open until 9 (insane, but that’s another rant) but even so, we’ve already taken in our last dogs? And I feel like they can’t possibly have thought it out enough to know that.

Oh oh! Or when you’ve actually had a last minute cancellation and tell them ‘you’re in luck, we can take you at 1pm’… and they get all mad that 1 doesn’t work for them. Don’t you have anything later?? Are you SURE?
@xekuter Crazy! We have a lady with a bichon frise that does this for her twice a year groom, dog is always filthy and matted, 10 all over. Last time she tried to guilt trip saying she was so worried about her dog getting a heat stroke because we wouldn't come immediately. 🙄
@aspiller1998 Oh God🙄 the "It'S aN eMerGeNcY!!!" As if they haven't been neglecting their dog for months. And they act like there's nothing they can do to help the dog cool off.
@xekuter My co workers told me that one time someone called for an appointment and asked if we had anything after 9 pm because that's the only time she's
@aspiller1998 My favorite is when they say it's an emergency. Like, unless your dog got skunked, there is no emergency that JUST happened that requires your dog get groomed right now. Letting your dog get matted, having family/friends come into town, etc is absolutely not an emergency on my part.

If its an actual emergency, you probably need a vet more than you need a groomer.
@deepseed386 Oh my god I remember calling because my dog got skunked the next day. I could hear the receptionist flipping through the pages trying to find an immediate spot. A groomer got on the phone and said do not put water on your dog. 😆
@karosti Good advice! Soap them up really well first, let it set for 10-15 minutes, and only then use water to rinse. Repeat as necessary. I usually get the best results with a citrus shampoo.

Good advice for fleas, as well.
@deepseed386 The mix I used was this: 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (fresh bottle), • ¼ cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and • 1-2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap

This blasted all smells from my dog. The only places it didn’t was around her mouth since I didn’t want her ingesting too much of it. I don’t remember where I got the recipe but I believe it was some sort of chemist?
@deepseed386 Skunking is pretty much the only dog grooming emergency I can think of. Cats can have many more emergency grooming options as they can get into more things and are harder to groom.
@aspiller1998 Once had a guy try to do a walk in groom and when we told him we had nothing and he needs to make an appointment for the future the dude goes: “you should always leave a spot open for a same day appointment”. Like 1) why would I leave empty space in my schedule and just hope someone comes in and 2) if I did do that the spot would have already been taken by any of the other people who tried to get a same day appointment. Dude basically just wanted us to have an open spot for him
@timaeus It's crazy. Different place every time, no consistency for you or the dog. I get so many damn entitled same day, that my voicemail is set to say WE DO NOT DO SAME OR NEXT DAY APPOINTMENTS. Lol.
@aspiller1998 My favorite is people calling on Saturday for a same day and when you ask if they wanna schedule for next weekend they say nah I'll call back next Saturday. 😂 That's never gonna work out for yoooou

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