Difficult customer that always come back for regroom


New member
I have this customer that has gone to every single groomer except me, until a week ago. I followed everything on her dumb and degrading list to a T. It had things on there that were blatantly insulting like “trim tail” “trim body” etc. once I was done she said it was fantastic and she wants me again. In the clear so I thought, nay nay. She is coming in for a regroom today. Like she always does with the other groomers. It’s also after our 7 day grace period which was a f up on the receptionists end. I need some advice on how to deal with this client. I’m sure the other groomers her have had similar customers. Thanks all!
@whothat If you are allowed to fire clients I would turn it around on her and say something like “I’m sorry I won’t be grooming Scruffy anymore, I am unfortunately not the right groomer for you. You need someone better than me, possibly someone who grooms show dogs because my work is not up to your standards.” End scene, no arguing, goodbye. I said this exact thing to someone about 8 years ago and she had to physically pick her jaw up off the floor and leave. It was one of the greatest moments of my life after struggling with this woman for about 3 years.
Thanks all for the comments! I’m going to talk to my manager on firing clients because she’s impossible. I’ll give you an update on when she comes in for a regroom and what she says just for the tea☕
@whothat If she's been through every groomer and is still getting regrooms, she needs fired. That's a waste of time and money. Is it the "look great guarantee" by any chance? She wants a refund I bet. If she said it was amazing at pick up, she's not entitled to a regroom. I would fire her.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem our salon is able to meet your expectations. I feel you would be better served going elsewhere.
@whothat We have a 72 hr policy. Any clients that are like this have to go over dog before leaving. Plus I personally require a photo of their dog in a cut they were happy with.
@whothat I have a 24 hr period. Check your dog when you get home and call/text me. I will make it right. 7 days is a nope nope nope. I have only had one person who was never happy with any groom that I did. I asked her why the hell she keeps coming back if she doesn’t like my work. I thought she was going to fall out. Lol
She just wanted freebies. I have a note by her name in my phone which says DO NOT BOOK!!!

Good thing is that I own the shop.
@whothat I have a customer who requests me that also cannot please always complains no matter what. It's her first dog and she argues me on everything yet when she comes in it's all "your boyfriend's here" finally got her off my schedule saying I'm sorry I just don't feel I can please you as you always complain. I don't think she even realized she was that bad. Dealing with her was always a total headache and I never fire clients like ever lol.And she was pretty upset she is no longer on my schedule even though I never felt like I could really make her happy.
@whothat Seven days' grace period! It grows back by then! I think you've acted with superb diplomacy. I also think that clients like that are a liability waiting to happen. Let another salon listen to her. You've all done your very best for her, professionally, for a long time. You can be done now.
@whothat Following for the update. I’m in the process of getting a managers permission to fire a client as well. Shows up an hour after we close to pick up her dog even though she’s told on multiple occasions what time we close. Then she complains about something every time.. She also books and then cancels the day of about 10 times now 🙃
@werewolf We do, customers always right. The only person that can tell them off is the ceo which is absolute bs when we get cursed at by customers and personal name calling all the time
@werewolf I’m opening a salon in a couple months, I’m sick of dealing with poor management. It’s super small just enough room for me and a bather
@whothat FIRED. If she’s seen every one now in the salon and there’s notes for her always needing reworks or wants free stuff- fired. “Thank you for your service today but I don’t think our salon is a good match for you and max. We seem to just never be on the same page and as much as wede like to provide service we never seem to meet your standards so we won’t be servicing you in the future. Thank you” that’s it. Or just never book her again lol ghosting is also fine lol also the same day policy unless stated (for nice good clients) no ifs no butts.
Hey everyone! So quick update probably final unless she comes back in. When the client came in, off the bat I asked her why she came back in for a regroom because I thought I did a good job and I’m confused as to what else I needed to do. She told me she wants a length shorter on the body but other than that I did phenomenal. She admitted it was her mistake and she just wants a shorter length. She tipped me $5 and said “just for your trouble because I know I’m taking up appointment time”. This really should have been booked for another haircut because regrooms aren’t supposed to be for doing an all over clip again. We are booked to have regrooms take no more than a half hour, which I made sure to not take more than that because of who she is. So essentially I got paid $2.50 and hour cause of this lady. Oh also she said she wants to book with me only again so yay 😒 I’m leaving my salon in a month or so, so hopefully she doesn’t find my new place