Crying at work bc I miss my dog


New member
I’m fed up of life, my life isn’t advancing, career, money, love life, and the one thing that I had, my dog, died traumatically almost 2 months ago and a couple thousand dollars in dept while trying to save him.

I am in limbo with my life, don’t know what I want to do, etc, and ended up crying at work to my supervisor. Idk what I want from this point , maybe it’s just wanting to vent. But yA, my life sucks.
@flyingelephants I’m not really good at giving advice but i came just to say i feel ya brother. I still have my dog, but he only has a few months to live due to bone cancer, for now he’s standing strong but the vet already said that it’ll probably get to his lungs soon. My dogs like a bro to me, everytime i get home he just lifts my spirits, he knows when’s something’s wrong with me. Everytime i look in his eyes i keep thinking “Won’t be long till we’ll have to split our ways” So i feel ya brother, keep strong. Life’s a bitch, for all of us. Sending you love 🫶🏼