Crating guilt

@ayoub77 Well I know it is much different given the situation I’m in but my 2 dogs have free run outside. I live in the middle of no where so when I let them out they have an endless amount of space. One day my heeler came back with a single porcupine quill in his nose and was totally Unphased by it. Not sure how he only got one.
@ayoub77 Yup a room with a baby gate or an exercise pen (a tall one costs less than $50). We put our boy in an ex pen if we leave home for extended amount of time, just to be sure, despite that he has never chewed through things nor gotten into garbage nor on the counter: that way, we know for sure he's safe. The pen is also linked with his crate, so he can get in/out whenever he likes.
@cloelace Amazing idea tho! I’m sure when he’s a little older it’ll be easier to let him have free reign but for now we gotta do the crate. This is something I would like to get my life together and do
@iggyjr22 I’m honestly pretty anti crate but I see it as a necessity at least for now. Thank you for putting me at ease it’s appreciated more than you know. My
Dog has made my life amazing so I just wanna do everything I can for him to have an amazing life too. One day I’ll work remote so I can always be with him dreams I’m putting it in the universe.
@ayoub77 For our dog, who is 2, she needs a break from us and the crate gives her a break. It's her "off duty" switch when she doesn't have to be in charge of making sure everyone is safe and where they are supposed to be. She gets her seat sleep in there not having to be on alert. So, it's not just for us that we crate her. It's for her too.
@iggyjr22 I was talking to my BF about this too- I think I keep him from napping a lot during the day just by being home. Hell only sleep if I nap with him, it must be tough feeling like you constantly need to watch out for a crazy girl in her 30s until daddy gets home. I always say when my BF gets home my boys “shift” is over. Now he can get what he needs from me in the morning and spend the afternoon relaxing instead of guarding me, you’re so so right
@iggyjr22 Yesterday I exercised him so hard and played ball for a while so he was literally ready for the crate before I even left. I grabbed his lick mat and kongs and he was already in there! Kinda broke my heart but overall helped with me feeling good about leaving him for the afternoon
@ayoub77 You’re a great owner! I’m sure your doggo will be fine. If you’re really worried or find that your ACD struggles, maybe a dog walker can help with a short break for those six hours.