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I groomed a doodle yesterday that I was really happy with. Mom dropped off, gave me instructions from Dad and told me he would be picking up. Groom was $105 and dad tipped 15. I will say I work for petco and we have one of the only salons in our area with our own register. So we ring out our dogs and so we also ask for our own tips (mortifying in the beginning) We still have people who request to see the dogs before tipping (which is fair)

Anyways, I ring him out and bring dog out and dad just takes her and doesn’t say anything about haircut. Usually pet parents say something but not this guy. He thanks me and goes about shopping the rest of the store.

A few minutes later I look up and he’s back and standing at the register 🫣😬 I’m a newer groomer with only 14 months under my belt. So I put on my brave face, prepare for him to tell me he was dissatisfied with the groom and approach him.

“Hi. Was there something wrong with your dogs groom?”

“Did you groom her?”

“I did”

“Oh, I just wanted to find out who groomed her. I really like what you did and wanted to make sure I knew who did it so I could rebook with them” he then hands me an additional cash tip!

He explained how sometimes tipping is weird cause he never really knows what the pup looks like but he was really happy!! Told me I deserved a bit more. Complimented body, face, ears EVERYTHING! I also saved her long ass lashes lol.

It was a major confidence boost and made me feel good about the work I put out. I’m the newest groomer out of 5 and have the least experience. The dog has been seen by everyone in the salon aside from me, so that was cherry on top for me 🍒

Thanks for reading

Sincerely a freshy groomer
@caferobusta I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an owner asking to see the dog before tipping, even if owners were unhappy with grooms they still tipped but asked for a discount on the bill (if the groom is not fixable).

I can’t imagine standing there watching an owner decide to withhold a tip, that would be such a confidence killer. I do love that he took his dog for a spin and came back to say, “oh yeah my dog looks GOOD!” Get those requests!
@jesuslover657 I would almost prefer it that way, I think I put out pretty good grooms and I put a lot of effort into making them look great, so oftentimes I feel like the tip reflects that. I think people would tip more if they see the dog beforehand.
@carycrafts I live vicariously thru this sub as I just shave down one of my dogs a couple times a year. Back when I had a dog that actually required a groomer, I’d always tip based on a percentage of the price of the groom… but if I saw her first and she looked super cute, I’d give a little extra.
@jesuslover657 Thankfully that doesn’t happen often (it’s always awkward when it does) and sadly I have a lot of repeat clientele who actually doesn’t even tip me at all :( I’m the one Spanish speaker in the salon, and unfortunately tipping isn’t a custom in Mexico. Some are getting the hang of it though cause they get asked every time. I have one who’s dog is so snippy and finally I rebooked her with someone else and she asked to be booked with me next time 🙄
@caferobusta I have a poodle mix and after picking her up the other day and getting home I realised how good of a job they did so called them back and let them know how pleased I was. I'm going to try and get that groomer again, because the last one was shocking to the point I enquired with other businesses but couldn't get an appointment until September
@caferobusta Oooooo I was getting preemptively upset for you and was ready to type out a hell of a pep talk lol. I’m so happy for you about the ending. What a nice interaction!
@caferobusta That’s amazing ! 🩵 I feel like we never really get any praise like that in our field, it’s always complaining. So it’s really refreshing to hear that there’s customers out there like this!
@caferobusta Oh that must have been the best feeling! Grooming can be so nerve-racking. I’m also a newer groomer (less than 1yr) and I’m always shocked when people say I did a good job & want to rebook with me 😂🥲
Good job & congrats!