Client returned 5 minutes after checkout…

@caferobusta Aww that was very nice that he came back and complimented you. I’ve always had my dogs brought out and then paid so I don’t have firsthand experience about wanting to see my dog before tipping but I too based off of the price of the groom and how well my dog has been doing with grooming. The first year/year and I half I was tipping like 30% and still didn’t feel like it was enough. She’s a large Bouvier and wasn’t the best behaved in the beginning (though I was working on her and she was slowly improving and I never brought her in matted) but I would still feel bad when I’d hear she was fighting them and it took extra time. 😬 Now she’s almost four and apparently almost falls asleep in the bath 😅
@caferobusta I always tip my groomer (my dog just gets bathed and deshedded) because regardless of the final look they just did a labor intensive job on my 60 pound dog and I appreciate them accommodating my schedule and working with a live animal.

It’s always validating though to be acknowledged for your service be it verbal or monetarily. I’ve worked in service industry for many years and make my income through tips but it’s always a pleasure to receive a verbal acknowledgment of my skill or gratitude. So I know just the praise alone probably was a great confidence booster.

Congrats on your future regular!
@caferobusta Thank you for mentioning eyelashes! Why do groomers cut the eyelashes down to an 1/8th of an inch? The dog’s eyelashes are there to protect their eyes.
@caferobusta I love when this happens!
The first time one of my now regulars came to me, I was fresh out of academy. I had no idea what I was doing but she absolutely loved how she turned out regardless, and has came back to me every 4 weeks since. She said she looked the best she ever had, and happily shared on Facebook where she went and who groomed her. I’ve built quite a few regulars since. It was the happiest day of my life tbh. 😂
@caferobusta Idfk. My last day was yesterday but we got the registers out in a couple months ago and I was told that we are not allowed to cash out our clients. After the first week we never touched the register though. No one has time for that .

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