Dog won’t eat for 30-45 minutes

@sadier Normal behaviour for huskie type dogs. I have had a few and they all did them same when they hit around a year old. My daughter's Malmute/Shepherd mix is the same. Drives me crazy when we doggysit as my Cocker wolfs down his food as sson as it hits the bowl.
@sadier We got one of our dogs when he was 2 - he was a street rescue from LA and had been sick in rescue care so he was absolutely emaciated when we got him. We had to use several different slow feeders to stop him just ihaling his food and making himself sick and gassy and he was so food insecure that he would eat his own feces if we didn't make sure he didn't. He's all better now with food! But after about 2 years we saw him doing the same thing where he wouldn't eat his food, the other bigger dog started getting chubby from eating his portion, and then he'd be sad and hungry. So we started using dried liver snacks and crumbling them up in our fingers and sprinkling it on his food. Boom, he eats that every time. He will notice if he doesn't have it in there and ask for it and sometimes he won't eat until either my husband or I show him we've put in on - he doesn't always trust that the kids have.

We call them his crumbles. His crumble-umble-oos. His crumb-bumbles. It's actually very sweet and an easy fix to make sure he's getting the nourishment he needs.

For non kibble food sometimes I"ll make a little pot of dog food with whatever I have a bit of that needs to get used up - like a pottage. I'll use frozen peas, carrots and celery that have wilted in the fridge, oat meal, rice, lentils that need to be used up, chicken broth if there's a bit that needs to go (the collagen is really nice for them in the winter I think) blueberries or apples that are a bit mealy... you know. Just whatever is nice I throw it in a pot until ery well cooked (easier to digest). I make sure not include extra salt or anything like garlic or onions or stuff like broccoli or cabbage as that makes them gassy. Our smallest is a 6lb chihuahua and our largest is a 70lb germanshep mix. They get portions according to size. I probs do this about 1 or 2 a month and add it to kibble or give it to them in bowls between meals. I also let them have little scraps or dog friendly raw veg and fruits as I'm cooking and they like that. They like summer time because I grow peas and green beans and they are allowed to pick off the ones they can reach. I think it's nice to give them variety :)
@sadier Mine will only eat if my husband and I are both in the room and we give her a massage first. She misses breakfast lots because we have 2 cats that will eat her food if left out.