My dog won’t eat any kibble

@helloimjacob7 My Cavalier HATES kibble and breakfast. We compromised otherwise he wouldn’t eat breakfast- he eats 1/4 cup kibble with some water on top and a tbsp of cottage cheese. Then he usually doesn’t want to eat until around 6:30pm so that’s when he gets his 1/2 cup kibble with a little water and whatever dogfood topper I have. I know he’s more apt to eat more at night. I also had to make sure he’s not getting too many treats during the day to the point where he isn’t hungry.
@helloimjacob7 Maybe she just likes to eat dinner. Some months of the year my shepherd prefers to eat at weird times so I'm trialing leaving out her daily portion of food the entire day to observe her behaviour. I also cut down her treats. Her vet says it's ok as long as she eats every 1-2 days.

It could be a smell or texture thing. Some dogs like soft and moist food, my dog likes food that smells strong. Pro Plan smells better to her than Royal Canin. She's happier eating kibble when there's something smelly in the bowl even if she doesn't eat said smelly thing.
@isaacs2311 Agreed I think it’s just a texture thing and she does prefer fresh/soft foods over kibble. I don’t give her that many treats and it’s usually dehydrated chicken or salmon.
@helloimjacob7 I have found mixing in beef or turkey or chicken baby food (make sure the only ingredients are meat and meat broth and water) with my dog’s food helps - I have the pickiest eater, it is maddening
@helloimjacob7 Are you caving and giving her people food? I have a super picky dog, wouldn’t eat anything. My stepson felt sorry for her and would sneak her table food. Once I figured that out and put a stop to it, she eats everything.

I can still see when he’s reverting to giving her stuff as her bowl goes untouched. It also helps with begging. My dogs (generally) don’t beg as they get nothing from us while we eat.
@helloimjacob7 We have two dogs fed on a breakfast/dinner schedule. One will refuse breakfast once or twice a week. Vet said not to worry, he's healthy and not underweight. If he skips breakfast his next opportunity for food is dinner, and he never turns it down.

Find a good quality food you can afford and stick to it. Your dog won't starve itself.
@helloimjacob7 OP this sounds exactly like my rescue dog. Shes a mega mutt but has a fair bit of stubborn ass husky in her. She is not food or treat motivated AT ALL. I went through sooooo many types of food to try to get her to eat. All the toppers. All the flavors. All the brands. After so very many hours of worry and research, trial and error, this is what works for her.

She very often will not eat until 8pm. And will usually only eat after I've added hot water from the kettle. She doesn't have a clear preference of any food so I just buy her what's on sale from a brand I like. She has an iron stomach so I usually have a couple flavors from the same brand and rotate, just in case she is bored.

The biggest thing is if she is a good weight. My vet reassured me up and down that it's fine if she eats once a day, every other day, whatever, as long as she isn't losing weight. But I feel your pain, friend. I feel it.
@loriegodsglory She’s got a sensitive tummy to top this off! But yes the stubborn husky in her is very much there and I have gotten used to it by now 😅

I’ve just been afraid she isn’t getting enough daily nutrients for her weight. So far the Stella & Chewy Raw blend mixed with her Pup Above has been ok, but I’m sure she will refuse to eat that eventually. Fingers crossed!

To everyone saying to pull her food away after ten minutes or so…. She doesn’t care. She doesn’t notice at all if I pull it away. Just have to leave it there until she eventually eats!
@helloimjacob7 I know there’s a lot of comments about how a dog won’t starve themselves, but mine did. I offered a very high quality and palatable kibble to her - we tried a few different flavors and brands. I tried toppers or treats, soaking it, broth, oils and yogurt - ALL of it. We tried plates, bowls, plastic, paper, metal - I literally tried everything I could.

She went 4 weeks without eating. ANYTHING. She had access to broth and water and would drink. I only offered her treats in her food. She wouldn’t touch them. We did bloodwork, dental, exams - all normal. We even did behavioral work.

It was stressful on me and her, and I gave up. She’s on The Farmer’s Dog. It’s been 4 years (she is now 10).

Her bloodwork, senior exam, teeth, coat, and weight have come back in PERFECT score every year since she was 7.