Can't find food for my dog! Please help!


New member
For starters, my dog is a 20 lb 1.5 y/o Jack Russell Beagle Mix. He absolutely refuses dry dog food, and wet dog food tears his stomach up. I've been told to leave the dry dog food out and that if he is hungry he will eat it, but he went 3 full days without eating when I tried that, resulting in his finally trying to eat paper towels instead. He loves wet food and cat food (he steals it from our cat), but it gives him horrible diarrhea. I am unsure of what to feed him at this point!
@anonymous316 Have you tried different flavors/brands of dry food? I switched my dog from chicken to bison flavor and she started eating a lot more.

If not, my sister is feeding her dog chicken and rice (temporarily but I have heard of people doing this long term, maybe adding some veggies) to make her gain some weight. Maybe see if your dog will eat that?

Also never hurts to ask your vet for recommendations.

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