Can Labs eat Golden Retriever food??


New member
Basically the above. My 1.5 y.o. Lab eats Royal Canin Labrador Adult which I order in 12 kg packs.
I ordered a 12kg pack yesterday and the pet shop inadvertently sent me the Royal Canin Golden Retriever Adult. I noticed it too late after opening the pack. The pet shop admits its their mistake but wont exchange the food as I’ve opened the pack.

So will it be ok if I feed it to my lab?? Both breeds are pretty similar I guess
@ms2884 It shouldn’t make a difference. This is not scientific I’m only spitballing but I don’t think breed specific needed nutrients would make it through the baking and or freeze dry process used to make most kibble.
@morherof2 That sort of thing isn't readily available. A lot of these companies classify their process as "proprietary information" so others can't just copy them. But it also gives the cover to be a little underhanded.

The nature of careers over the past 13yrs has had me calling reps, touring facilities, and working with companies. So that's how I've learn it.

I will say however, with consumers becoming more aware and involved many companies today are being more transparent to their customers. So if you just email them with some questions SOME of them are happy to give you all this info. And the ones that don't(Hills, Royal Canin...) I wouldn't trust them

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