Can’t get my puppy to eat for the life of me

Bad batch of food is a real thing. And your wife needs to understand that. It’s happened to me twice. Once I got a replacement bag sent out, my dog ate it all up. Both times, the food got stale. Maybe it sat in the warehouse too long…idk. I smell the food every time I open a new bag. I can now tell if it’s stale or not.

I’ve made my own mistakes with my dogs, so I’m only speaking from my own experience. I’ve also added things to his food. I tried taking it away and he’ll notice and won’t touch the food until I add it back in. So I had to slowly ease him off the added stuff.

The exercising thing…yeah, don’t overdo it for sure.

Anyway, good luck.
@rescuedsheep Have you tried pouring broth on his food? A bit of bacon grease can also help, but both of these you need to be careful how much you give and make sure he drinks plenty of water.

Whenever my dog has an upset stomach, he gets plain boiled chicken, white rice that I cook in the chicken water, and some pureed pumpkin. He doesn't like to eat when he's sick but it's exciting so he at least downs the chicken then as his stomach settles some, he'll eat the rest.

My guy is 6 now and he was fairly picky as a puppy. Not as bad as yours, but I hit the point of buying different "flavors" of food (brands, main protein) and letting him choose which one he wanted. Eventually, he hit a good growth spurt around 8 months and was so hungry that he got past it.
@rescuedsheep Is the dewormer upsetting stomach maybe?

My two are walked individually before the sun heats up. Maybe your pup needs exercise or play first to stimulate appetite?

For breakfast my GSDs eat sardines (oil drained off) & raw eggs first. Then dry kibble only. After eating they each get half a DentaStix to clean their teeth. It’s routine they like, they know what to expect, nothing more or less. Dinners are strictly dry kibble. Then again half a DentaStix to clean.

My Veterinarian said no to carrots because too high in sugar.
@browneyedgirl1010 I thought so but the vet disagrees. He gets enough exercise throughout the day. His morning starts with a 15 minute walk where he sniffs more the most part to get his mental stimulation going. Then gets a small training session with his kibble and then the food. This worked alright for him but now he just likes to ignore his food.

I’m afraid if I give him eggs without kibble he will definitely stop eating his kibble entirely.

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