BuT iT's OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS

@annalee Well keep taking your late clients and letting people walk all over you. Personally I don’t like to have my time wasted, and be disrespected. Doctors don’t take patients 15 mins late. I’m not taking a dog 15 minutes late.

It affects me by putting me behind. I don’t get paid enough to work extra time because people are irresponsible.

Do whatever you want and stay out of other peoples business lmao. It’s one thing if it’s a client who is usually on time, and apologetic and kind, and another thing entirely when it’s someone who is ALWAYS “just 5 minutes late” and doesn’t care that they’re impacting you.
@niblo Friend, I'm sorry this comment seemingly upset you so much. This is a forum for discussion, so while its not my business I think that the intent of the post is to foster discussion?
@annalee “Friend”, your comment is very condescending 😂 Nobody is scared of their appointments being late they’re annoyed and inconvenienced. And they have every right to be
@niblo You're coming off as hostile, I wish you would give me the benefit of the doubt here. I understand that it is inconvenient for people to be late, I was trying to offer a forgiving attitude where the OP doesn't feel like hurting someone at their job, which sounds really upsetting.
@annalee What you’re doing is making it seem like OP is overreacting and that we should just let people walk all over us and be late. When you do that, they will be late every time, and expect you to accommodate them every time. Enforce a late and cancellation fee and your paycheck won’t be hurting when you turn them away.
@niblo I would also maybe say that a possible different option before deposits or late fees would be talking to the other human and sharing your side politely. I've got a little jack russel that no-showed constantly for my other groomers until I mentioned how inconvenient it was.