Best dog food for my mildly overweight boxer/mastiff mix???


New member
I’ve always had dogs on the farm i grew up on and we just have them whatever kibble plus left overs, so I’m trying to learn about safe/good dog food. My mini schnauzer who is 6 months old eats purina puppy chow since that’s what the girl i bought him from recommended since they can develop health issues so easily. And since my girl that i rescued finished her kibbles n bits, I’ve switch her over to the Purina Pro plus weight management. I just want them to eat healthy and eventually i want to switch them over to foods that I can make myself once I get out of school so I’m just trying to see if anyone has had any issues with these foods?? What their pros and cons are? I just want them to have good nutritional food just like we do lol.

Also pros and cons of rehydrating the kibble? I tried it with both dogs tonight and they absolutely loved it. I don’t mind the messes they make cause they do that anyways.
@stephanieann Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Science Diet or Royal Canin? I mean duh, carb only is gonna help them shed those pounds! Who needs proteins or fats?? Not my dog, he's a Royal Canine!