Apparently the owner and I have beef, and I’ve been falsely accused


New member
Last week we were informed that we would be having individual meetings in order to “call out some things that can’t be said in group, but don’t worry it’s all good things!”
My coworker went before me, and then I went yesterday.

The all good things include:

-Being accused of stealing clients, money, and falsifying clockings in order to steal money.
-Not working enough hours to support the business, even tho I show up, do my dogs, and leave when I have no more dogs. We are just coming out of a slow period, and while I haven’t been out harassing people to send their dogs to me, I haven’t been refusing any clients.
-When I expressed that I do not take any of these allegations lightly, I was by my manager that I should be grateful Bc we were having a discussion, instead of what the owner wanted to do: confront me in front of the whole salon and fire me on the spot. Once again, until this meeting I thought everything was fine and dandy!
-I have ruined time off bc I have taken so much of it. When I started I let the owner herself know I had a few trips planned and a family reunion as well as a wedding to attend. She assured me it was all ok and she had no problem with it. I have a funeral to attend next week and instead of asking about it, I was accused of lying about it. My uncle who was super close to our family died pretty suddenly and violently and I didn’t receive any condolences, just an accusation of lying.

-She offers a sixth day at 100% commission, something that I’ve taken. I accidentally opened a bunch of Saturdays up due to not being able to use the software very well, and decided since these clients obviously needed these days I’d come in and do them.
She also accused me of moving weekday clients to weekends, in order to steal money that way, but those who are moved were moved out of pure necessity. I don’t really want to work six days a week, but they are loyal clients so I don’t mind sneaking them in on my day off. The rules for this extra day are always changing and apparently one of my coworkers hasn’t been getting paid correctly for EIGHT MONTHS.

I had no idea there was beef with me until this morning and despite talking to them in person multiple times in the last several weeks, she has made no attempt to ask about her concerns or behave in any way that lead me to believe she had a problem with me. A simple text asking a question could fix most things but she refuses to talk to her own employees.
I am now being expected to call her up, and be “respectful” and “nice” to her in order to clear things up.

I feel as the owner is the one making accusations the least she could do is make the effort to talk to me instead of using our manager as a go between. Furthermore I have been disrespected and feel as tho respect is earned and not given. She has lost any respect I had for her.

I don’t honestly know how to go about this. If anyone has suggestions or recommendations I will follow them!
@daffodil255 I’m not a dog groomer but I was a dog bather for 2 months. Leave. This is no. Just leave. They are being disrespectful to your personal life/boundaries. Accusing you of lying about a funeral? I got accused of that quit on the spot and sent them a spare program and the obituary.
It’s the holidays coming up/cold weather. So dogs need to be groomed, bathed and looking presentable for the holidays. You can get another job at a salon with a better owner.

Imagine the possibilities you can have with a better salon owner.

When you leave text your clients and say “hey I’m just informing you that I won’t be able to groom max at xyz anymore. You are more than welcome to use Susan she does good work. If you wish for me to keep grooming max I will be working at abc.” It’s professional it gives the client options. If the owner then goes “you’re stealing clients” tell them no you’re not you have them the option to go back and see another groomer. They just choose you.

I’m also sure that you can contact your labor representative for the state you live in and report them for falsifying wages. Just to be extra petty. Owner is petty be petty back.
@needhelpdaily I’m definitely thinking about it. I almost quit on the spot with those accusations, but I didn’t want to affect my own future by doing so. She’s pretty well liked in our town somehow 😂 I’m definitely sending them the program to be petty.
@daffodil255 Be petty back. I had to be just to prove a point, granted I quit on the spot. But I wanted her to feel bad. I love organizing. So I had the whole store organized top to bottom. Reliable you name it I was the best employee. Too bad she did that to herself.
@daffodil255 I left my last job on the spot after coming back from vacation to similar accusations. Don't even entertain it anymore and find a better place. I don't understand why so many grooming business owners are so freaking catty or mean now.
@mastin777 My coworker thinks they don’t like me due to feeling threatened by me, and that’s the only reason I can think of for this, that something has reverted back to highschool drama 😂
@daffodil255 I went to work for an older lady & when she hired me she acted like she was a show groomer or something. She even said, "I guess we'll let you work with us." At first I thought it was a joke. She had me put a pattern on an Australian Terrier & then she shaved it's neck & was like, "I fixed it!" She had a mini poodle client that got pants & a jacket & swore she was the only groomer that could make the lady happy. Well, she went on a month long cruise to Alaska & I groomed that poodle while she was gone. The lady started requesting me hahaha
@daffodil255 First off, was your coworker also accused of these things as well? I would absolutely call the owner and ask questions. 1.What is the reason for anyone accusing me of "XYZ" 2. Who is the person accusing me of this, a co-worker or manager or the owner. 3. Make them explain to you EXACTLY what You've done to make them think these things and then make them tell you what proof they have of it. 4. Ask them WHY THE FUCK have they let you work there so long if they think these things are actually true.
Then finally you go find another job don't let them know and go ghost as soon as they need you most. Fuck that place.
@daffodil255 I wouldn't continue to work for a place like this. I ended up in a salon like this, and I left very, very quickly.

I'd have a conversation with the owner, find out exactly what is going on and what proof they have leading to these accusations. I'd then take time to let my favorite clients know I was leaving and find a new grooming position at a new shop to invite them to. I wouldn't take being called a thief of any kind, but if they want to accuse you of stealing grooms, take all you can from them completely on your way out. It's going into the holidays, if you can groom well you can find work quickly.
@daffodil255 Its sad how much this reminds me of the owner of the previous salon i worked for.. to a T.. we didnt have a manager, just the owner amd she treated all of us like this. It was horrid. So we all left right about the same time.
No one deserves to be treated like that at all, let alone in what should be a professional environment. I absolutely agree that you should leave. These are also things that can be reported btw. Or at least they can where Im at. This is unacceptable. You should definitely find a different salon with a better owner.
Im sorry you are having to go through something like that. Especially after losing a family member.
@daffodil255 Go find another place if you can and then ask for all these concerns in writing. They need to provide dates and times when you allegedly "stole" money or clients or it didn't happen. Honestly it sounds like the owner has made some poor business decisions and is trying to get someone to quit. After all, if you quit they don't have to pay unemployment! Next week it will be someone else getting a lecture. Get your portfolio ready and call some salons in your area if you have any.
@thankfullness That’s honestly a really good idea, I will ask for my accusations in writing as a formal write up. I have receipts of my hours and bookings and conversations with clients. Everything has a simple explanation that she has decided to ignore bc she doesn’t seem to like me

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